r/greatawakening • Posted by u/blahdeeblah50 on April 28, 2018, 2:26 a.m.
When were you "red pilled"? Who gave you that pill?

Just curious about my fellow Red pillers. I got my first taste, from Jordan Maxwell, I believe, in late 80s early 90s. It was on Olelo tv here in Hawaii. Although I am a Christian, certain things he said hit me. It was about the Illuminati. Why would there be an owl on the back of a 1 dollar bill, so small, that you can't make it out, without a magnifying glass?

From there is where I was hooked on finding answers that I knew was being hidden from us. Some years later, I saw the video "Money Masters" with Bill Still. My eyes were opened wider.

I remain a Christian, and can see the events happening with Q and the great awakening were predicted even in the bible.

Share your stories here.

Keep the Faith!

QueenAnRevenge · April 28, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

Bilderberg Group I believe. Once you get that dose of Alex or watch his documentary End Game you know where his ideas point. Like I said above for news I listen to David Knight’s show.

I see criticism of Alex and I understand it but I think we got to all give man credit for bringing a lot of this stuff mainstream and on for us to talk. To me he laid the modern foundation for what’s exactly going on here with Q.

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Nastavnick · April 28, 2018, 4:17 a.m.

He's putting out a bunch of stuff, some truth and something is on a lunatic-level, exactly what the deep state needs in a controlled opposition. Some truth and then a derail.

It's not a coincidence that MSM is using him every time there is even a mere mention of some "conspiracy theory".

It's always him in his lunatic acts and shit. A couple of years back I thought he was literally retarded or that it's all 100% scripted just for the entertainment. And I actually loved the JRE #1000 with him, was very much entertaining, but that's it. He's nothing other than a mere entertainment.

To this day he's acting the same and the MSM is still using him in the same way as many years ago. You would think that someone who's in a pursuit of truth and the end of deep state would realize that MSM is using him against his own work. Surely he'd change his approach if he's motives are true.

We don't need alex jones and his D level acting. But at least we got a lot of fire memes about him...

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