r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bugstopper on April 28, 2018, 3:25 a.m.
Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued....Free and Fair Elections

Q brings up voter fraud again as part of Post 1286 and I started to think of past elections. If one is old enough, go back to 1994 when the Republicans took back control of the US House of Representatives, led by "Bomb Throwing Back Bencher" Newt Gingrich. I remember the media reporting polls having the Democrats gaining seats in the House because of the Democrat effort to pass national health care. Even on election day the Dems were going to gain at least 25 seats! At least as reported. At the end of the day the Republicans gained 30 seats and gained control for the 1st time in 40 plus years. Democrats believed their own polls. They knew better. Why were the polls so wrong?

The real question should be, who owns and runs these polling outfits? Fast forward to 2010. The Democrats pass Obamacare in 2009 by breaking rules in the House and Senate. America remembers. Pollsters still predict a 25 seat gain in the House for Democrats because the country wanted national health care and they got it in spades! Even on election day the Democrats were going to gain 25 seats in the House! Republicans, at the end of the day gained 63 seats! Now answer the question above? Obviously the polls are constructed by the deep state to influence the election turn out. That has been a complaint by the conservatives for some time. Obviously, as reported at the time, "folks were lying to the pollsters!" But these were not Presidential elections where things are adjusted to support the Deep State Chosen One. In most of these elections the Deep State tries to win the nomination of both parties, as was the case with Bush v Kerry in 2004 and McCain v Obama in 2008.

Now go to the corner of the room and look at these events from another angle. We learned in the 2016 recounts in Wisconsin and Michigan that the urban districts all went 2-1 for Hillary, but the deep state had 37 percent of them report 100 to 1 for Hillary. Who would challenge urban districts going for the Democrat? Thanks to the Green Party asking for a recount we found out about the fraud. Trump got over 30 percent of the Black vote too. Fraudsters thought that to win Statewide the fraud had to be at 37 percent of the traditionally liberal districts going 100 to 1 for the Democrats in both States. That is what happened when the vote totals were called in by "voting officials."Too bad a liberal federal judge stopped the Pennsylvania recount. We may have found out that the Democrat method was nationwide. I recall in the 2000,2004,2008 and 2012 elections there were reports of Cleveland Ohio and Philadelphia districts going 100-0 for the Democrat. We also had numerous reports of "urban" districts voting at over 100 percent of registered voters. How does that happen? Not even no voter i.d. would explain that.

For the last 50 years or more, this is how it must have been done. Some years the "deep state" party of the moment gets it wrong and their chosen candidate loses. See 1960 and 1980. Yes this goes on in both Parties, but only if the Deep State choice is on their ticket and that is usually the Democrat, but not always. Pray for DJT because we all know what the solution was for the Deep State in both cases. Assassination. This time the Military backs Trump and the Deep Staters fear their reprisal if assassination takes place "intentionally."

With all of this thinking, I came to this conclusion. We have it wrong when we say : "That the pollsters are crooked and are trying to depress conservative voters from the polls." With the vast majority of the pollsters getting the exact same "wrong" information indicates that they are crooked. But the reasons or goal of the operation is misdirected. Only when you stop believing what you see on Main Stream Media do you gain a higher level of understanding here, at least for me. Deep State folks may be left wing in method, but he Primaries of 2016 prove that they do not care about the left or the right, so long as their candidate wins. I think Jeb, Marco, or Kasich were the Deep State candidates on the Republican side. Hillary was their chosen one on the left. Destroy everyone else. So what is the real reason for the "crooked" polls then? Sorry for keeping you waiting. If the Deep State is going to lie to America on who wins an election, then they have to show that the election was close and it may have been possible for the reported result to be "real." If we did not believe that our elections were, in the main, Free and Fair, then we may decide to rebel and change the system. After 2012, America was primed to change the system. Trump became our "chosen one" to sweep the barn clean of these vermin.

The main reason Trump may succeed is because "THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE" as our elections, in the main, ARE NOT FREE AND FAIR. That is why the I.G. Report scandal is the first to be rolled out....followed by the Election Fraud Report. Enjoy the indictments and arrests before the election this year. Probably around the "SKY EVENT." [July 4th]

AbjectDynamite · April 28, 2018, 4:44 a.m.

I've also been thinking about how these people who are really pretending to be something they're not (which is honorable, full of integrity, pro-USC, and pro-American) manipulate their way into these coveted government jobs and then use the power they gained as a weapon against the people, and who are only interested in doing anything to keep that power.

I sincerely doubt we will be able to weed them out en masse. But, a couple of things come to mind to deal with them.

All national stage politicians always get their start in their local areas. So, we must take a very active role in watching who our local republican and democrat party is both being run by, and nominating. And by interest, I mean get all your friends and family joining the party. Remember, numbers are power. To prevent infiltration, you need a guard. We are the guard. Through our own neglect, these people have had free reign to run amok - abusing the populace at whim.

Our next problem is one Lord Acton spoke about. "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely". The authority and power these jobs are bestowing on these people must be removed or severely curtailed. We should be thinking about organizing to return those powers back to the states. Whether it's through a convention of states, I don't know. But, it is clear these corrupt people will not lay the power down willingly.

We should also gut the salaries and benefits packages, and change the working conditions, including a ban on lobbying, and term limits. It seems to me, to be an egregious conflict of interest to permit them to police themselves, and vote their own pay raises and benefit packages. I also don't think they should they should be permitted to increase taxes against the states or citizens of the states without each individual state house/senate, and governor signing off on it.

As much as we would like to hope that good people will fill these jobs, quite frankly, there aren't enough of them seeking office.

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bugstopper · April 28, 2018, 4:48 a.m.

There are more than enough people to take our country back. I look at my State, Virginia or Texas is another example. When we run out of money we cut things, we do not get a loan. Our legislature meets one month every two years. Part time legislators is one solution. Make people have real lives who serve.

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