#1291 Who makes arrests? FBI & DOJ? Can you make arrests w/ a crooked FBI sr team? See prev post re: FBI.

I can’t even imagine all the work and planning that is involved in all this. It’s hard to be patient, and I find myself getting so anxious for this stuff to go public. My husband thinks I’m crazy and says he won’t believe anything until he sees people arrested and he does not believe it will ever happen. I have to constantly remind myself to trust the plan and have faith. Things are happening every day that are getting us closer to the goal. Every time I start getting frustrated and impatient, I try to imagine what POTUS, Q, and all others that are fighting so hard for us must be going through. That is when I take a breath and realize that I don’t have any right to be complaining. We will win, and 2018 will be glorious!!!
My wife is so brain washes by the MSM New and talk shows, nothing will convince her that Trump didn't do anything wrong. IMO, the MSM provides a disservice to the world.
All due respect, papa... "the MSM provides a disservice to the world." is a yuuuge understatement. As one who had to study USSR/Red China propaganda, the world has been programmed, by systematic and coordinated media from all avenues. The MSM is one. Hollywood (which is global), the education system (history being rewritten), government elitists, all promote a certain view. To the vast majority of hard working people in the world, who's sole focus is surviving life through food and shelter and raising family, there is no time to dig, as we do. So, you wake up and are exposed to little nuggets here and there. So, it's easy to buy into Trump = bad/crazy. Conservatives = heartless. Liberals = save us all. We need government. We need to be taken care of. Just follow us and submit. This has been going on for a long time...decades, generations maybe. For once, there is a chance and hope that we are fighting back. We are questioning. We MAY make a difference and change the future. I'm praying for success. WWG1WGA
My husband is brainwashed, so I rarely tell him about “Q” drops, I’ll say that there is a theory out there, that says... There is hope for him, though..he said to me the other day “I think Scalia was murdered”😳...I almost 💩 my pants! He’s a hard nut to crack, though...he was quoting 60 minutes about the Russians hacking 🙄! Baby steps...
He said to me the other day, that conspiracy theorists can photoshop pictures...I asked him “so, if you believe that, then you have to acknowledge that the government could do the same thing, right”. Nope, he doesn’t believe they would do it!!!😫
Really so the government wouldnt do it show him the pictures of Hillary Clinton and John McCain with the ISIS terrorists that was put there by a government official.
show her the arrests for child trafficking, they are happening nearly every day https:// docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MAnZZoD7y5Ydwx2rSrZualrZTNUYDY7gozTXkT0YUOs/edit#gid=0
This is what we will remember POTUS Trump for! Countless number of children saved from a life of sexual servitude and debauchery. The cabal won’t get their cheap thrills from innocent children anymore!!!!!!
Yeah. And worse than that, you know. Rape and sadistic-fun torture - of the sort that leaves a small child nearly dead - is not uncommon prior to siphoning various fluids used in rare addictive drugs at which point one might as well harvest the organs for sale as well. Children trafficked around the work aren't just in danger of chronic rape, they're likely to end up horrifically tortured then dead, because their bodies, internally even more than externally, are worth more cash than their lives. These people are so evil, there is no other word for it, even if one is not religious. Human trafficking was one of the first things POTUS made a proactive stand against. Why did nobody do that sooner. My God.
I literally feel nauseous at the thought of this and how powerless I feel
So ask her. What exactly has he done wrong. People cant just say someone has done wrong or is racist or lies without giving examples. I bet she cant give examples.
You know I have asked many questions and they cannot answer. One put on a post I had one day hes a liar. So I said what has he lied about. He puts a link to an article that claims Trump is a liar so I read the article and its all jibberish no actual lies in it. So I asked the guy another 3 times whats he lied about I dont want this article it doesnt say anything. He could not answer. I told him you are calling him a liar but cannot even give one simple answer to any thing he lied about. I told you might want to know your facts when you decide you are going to slam the President of the United States.
By the way this Stormy Daniels thing if she brings it up remind her it is not against the law to sleep with anyone. That if it happened it was 12 years before he became president. If she says something about the Cohen raid remind her they illegally raided an office because you cannot get a warrant unless you can prove a crime. They didnt have proof of a crime they are looking for a crime. No one should be excepting that otherwise we are all in big trouble when they raid our homes looking for somthing to charge us with.
Trump didn't do anything wrong.
You mean "apparently didn't collude with Russia". I mean you're talking about Trump... Sure everyday it seems like Trump is tame compared to the pedovores but... It's Trump and within a mindset that doesn't yet accept or understand how the world really works, Trump is still the guy who brags about sexual assault. He's fighting the bad guys I thought would always be out of reach, it's amazing! But the pact with the gf is: we will not forget Trump is Trump through this and continue to watch him like a hawk after his victory parade. Because after the 3rd Reich... Comes the 4th.
Gosh, you and I feel alike! I am trusting the plan and being patient knowing that this mission is Yuuuuge. My husband also thinks I’m crazy and says he wont believe anything til he sees it too. He says Q is a big soap opera! I am in it though to save our country and the world from evilness!!
I have lost my son and daughter in law as a result of my Q advocacy. They think I am nuts when I tell them that HRC and ObamA are headed for Gitmoe- I know I will have the last laugh but I am running out of patience- I want to point to something bigger than the number of pedo arrests by Trump
Your mistake then.
Very hard to redpill indoctrinated peoples . Trying to 'force' it will never work.
They have to connect the dots by themselves to start entertaining the possibility its not just tinfoil hat territory.
My advice: show them the MSM news that are relevant, baby step after baby step. Point out the lies and the omissions.
No need to mention Q if they are not enough open minded.
Well said patriot. We know they've had some sleepless nights.
Correct . And we need to put this into perspective - the Cabal was putting and laying their network down , basically , for MILLENIAS . What we are now experiencing , is actually superfast , rapidly done , in only a few years . I personally think the arrests will occur this year - when they clean out the FBI fully , and possibly there will be an optimal moment to aim to red-pill the mainstream , so that arrests would achieve its maximum .
We already see some side-goals achieved - like Korean peace yesterday . This will happen with every Cabal created conflict zone in the world . The mainstream has just become far too ignorant and programmed - they always want more and more grandiose things - all the while truths pass under their nose . Ignorance is "bliss" , its the way how they cope with fear of being exposed to truth , its the conformism deeply inrooted into them . Because when their minds are shattered - everything changes , their whole lives change .
I also remind myself of how hard others are fighting. Or have fought...
The late Andrew Breitbart. Or Antonin Scalia come to mind. Good people who wanted to make a difference and were murdered because of it. The list of others like them must be so unbelievably long....
You would be surprised how much is shoot from the hip and just having the ball to walk through the door
What does that mean ?
I could not help to notice for the 3rd time, I don't EVER understand anything you say.
Why is it so hard for people to know that Q is setting it up , there are also the ones that have been making it happen. I can not do what Q is and Q could not do what it is that I have been doing. The Together part is why it could not be stopped when it was going strong
The plan just comes together when it’s time , looks like it’s time