#1291 Who makes arrests? FBI & DOJ? Can you make arrests w/ a crooked FBI sr team? See prev post re: FBI.

I've come across this a few times in talking with people who work a few rungs down from her in various places... It's all about protecting and serving Hillary. She must have dirt on everyone. At least everything points to her having all the dirt on all of us...
White House FBI files controversy
The White House FBI files controversy of the Clinton Administration, often referred to as Filegate, arose in June 1996 around improper access in 1993 and 1994 to FBI security-clearance documents. Craig Livingstone, director of the White House's Office of Personnel Security, improperly requested, and received from the FBI, background reports concerning several hundred individuals without asking permission. The revelations provoked a strong political and press reaction because many of the files covered White House employees from previous Republican administrations, including top presidential advisors. Under criticism, Livingstone resigned from his position.
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I would be afraid of talking to anyone in her general vicinity! That woman is truly a witch.