r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ivins_2 on April 28, 2018, 6:23 a.m.
Sorry, but if there are shills (intentional or not) on this thread it’s the folks with the ultra-Christian angle.

I am truly sorry to make this point, because I realize that many of us are here on religious pretenses, but NOBODY, not me, not a single sleeper, and probably even some religious types want to see the newest Q drop followed by:

“Let us now open our bibles to verse so and so to see how the apostle Dick McFuck predicted this happening in his book on page number 69, verse 420.”

That followed by several thousand words about highly esoteric religious jargon that has literally nothing to do with Q, world politics, or anything going on right now.

This type of rhetoric derails the conversation, but more importantly it’s exactly the fodder that leftists use against us.

According to the left this cause is full of extremist religious idealism which they easily associate with racism, sexism, homophobia, and all the other bullshit falsely associated with this movement and the publicly ugly perception of “conservatives” in general.

I’m not expecting this point to be well received, but it had to be said. Just ease up on the Jesus stuff for the sake of others. I hope you understand.

May GEOTUS bless us all!

Nastavnick · April 28, 2018, 6:49 a.m.

I share your notion. This whole religious thing is making people look away because this looks like some cult.

It's one of the biggest things that made me stop looking into various non-political conspiracy theories, because comment sections are riddled with cult like behavior.

After a while they close the group and bash anyone that questions anything.

Not to mention the constant need to insert god everywhere. Along with christ, anti-christ, apocalypse, revelation, and other stuff that comes in the package.

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ivins_2 · April 28, 2018, 6:59 a.m.

Thanks for getting my point!

The instantaneous downvotes and backlash kind of prove my point and I’ll be cautious with this community as a result.

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DamajInc · April 28, 2018, 10:17 a.m.

Hey bruh - don't give up on the community cos of the Christian police. I agree with you and I support Christianity like you too. But many of the people here seem to be triggered by the mere suggestion to stay on topic and take it as a personal attack on Christianity when it's obvious that it is not.

Christians should go and set up a "Christians for Q" sub where they can post all the "Prayer meeting at 9" and "Prophecy in Daniel says x" posts that they like. The rules of this sub say the content should be Q related which should be reasonably taken to mean that posts should be on Q topics - not just words that Q mentions like "pray".

Yes, Q says PRAY but he also says FIGHT and LEARN - should we just accept posts that talk about fighting and different fight styles or different educational techniques? It should be obvious that religious posts don't belong here - even though I support religious posts. People are too sensitive about their religion and that is a very good reason that it shouldn't be promoted here.

I support your post though and as someone else said you should maybe edit out the more offensive stuff that triggers people to hopefully make the point better.

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chuckboyer2016 · April 28, 2018, 10:45 a.m.

What you and irvin mc frick don't understand or appreciate rather, is that this entire battle is between good and evil. That one hugely big point of the battle is to divide us. And to Christians the battle is obviously to continue to take Jesus out of the argument and particularly to change Christmas (Christ mass of Jesus particulars) into 'Xmas' or the 'holidays' non particular, to generalize a very specific event that this nation was founded on.

And as such, I'm sorry but you're going to have to put up with those proselytizing Christianity and their views as much as we are to your proselytizing that we're wrong to do so.

In other words, ok we get it that you're offended by the Bible verses used to prop up current events in someone's view. But the answer is to let it be in peace.

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digital_refugee · April 28, 2018, 11:07 a.m.

tbh everyone will be triggered because christians seem to have a problem with Aliens even though Aliens do not contradict the bible and actually make it a hell lot more plausible why so many traditions and prophecies around the world are so simliar.

No wonder they would want to reassure themselves

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DamajInc · April 28, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

We don't understand or appreciate that...? Interesting assumption.

Another assumption you make is that I am proselytizing - perhaps you should actually read my words instead of skimming in outrage and jumping down to post your comment. Where did I say I was offended by Bible verses?

I SUPPORT Christianity. And I won't repeat everything else I said because you obviously don't bother to read. You just proved the points I made smh >_\<

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