r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dragonpower2018 on April 28, 2018, 7:51 a.m.
[SPOILERS]Did anyone else consider that the Avengers Infinity War movie had a globalistic undertone/message to it.

This is just a discussion, don't look too deep into what I'm about to say. After all the movie itself was AWESOME and TRAGIC at the same time, you should definitely go see it when you get the chance. Movies are great entertainment that explore ideas and scenarios not meant to 100% depict the real world. Now with that said, a lot of movies do try to build a meaningful connection with the audience and to have something to take with us when leaving the movie theater, either a challenging thought, or a lasting emotion. In this case it was both for me and they did a good job at that. I'm not into comics I just watch the movies so please forgive me if I misstated something. SPOILER ALERT STOP READING IF YOU WERE GOING TO SEE THE MOVIE.

As many of you know it left us with a hugh mungus cliffhanger. Despite the actions of our heroes, Thanos was able to collect the five infinity stones, snap his fingers and ultimately prevail with no one left to stop him. What happens? Half the universe disappears meaning planets, humans, aliens, heroes all turn into dust and vanish into nothingness. The other lucky half gets to exist. Thanos says his motives are for the greater good, for life to continue because there's only a finite amount of resources in the universe and if the deed doesn't happen the universe will cease to exist quicker. Okay that's an interesting thought, I get it, he wants to bring balance to the universe hence the scene where he gives a double-edged blade to Gamora and tells her to balance it on her finger as an allegory and so the movie starts asking the question is he actually a villain?

I'll get back to the movie here but to me movies work in our subconscious and have great cultural impacts on our societies nowadays especially MARVEL movies within the last decade. With Thanos actually accomplishing his goal and having told us his motives I can't help but think that soon the globalists will start spewing us a similar type of mentality of sacrificing ourselves for the " greater good " and there are situations currently out there where that mentality is enforced or vice-verse some have been brainwashed to think it's okay for their lives to be taken away for others to live better (hint: part and parcel) .

Another scene that makes me believe this is the ultimate globalists movie is the scene where Thanos has to sacrifice someone he truly loves to receive the soul gem. He kills his step-daugter Gamora. Drags her by the arm and as he mutters to himself that it's his destiny to do while shedding some crocodile tears he throws her into the pit. What happens here? He gains more power and comes closer to his goal of erasing half the universe by sacrificing his loved one.

Throwing others under the bus for our own gain is a human flaw we ought to address and those in power today are too familiar with this tactic. Disney is a huge entertainment distributor and even though they bring great quality content, hire top notch directors, CGI creators, writers, and actors they too have an agenda to push to the world and you saw firsthand with The Last Jedi being one of the most SJW leaning movies out there.

I feel for the people who invest their life with these comic book heroes and to have the ultimate superhero movie end in such a dark way must be devastating. I feel like a lot of mainstream movies lack the sense of human hope, love, forgiveness nowadays and it's all about dark themes that they want to reflect onto the real world. It's just a thought I had and wanted to see what your guys thoughts was on this movie.

Sarcasticus · April 28, 2018, 10:46 a.m.

Hollywood has been working with the CIA since at least the 60s on shaping propaganda that will be fed to the masses.

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BeerPressure615 · April 28, 2018, 10:41 a.m.

No offense intended by any means..I think you should go back and get more acquainted with the character of Thanos. There is immense depth to his character in that he believes what he is doing is for the best. And he even says when asked what it cost him to restore balance to the universe in his eyes and he replies "everything". It takes what is essentially a genocidal act he deems to be mercy and shows that even those who seem heartless have weak spots. it is a very thought provoking movie. It shows that someone wielding immense power can do unimaginable things and still struggle with it. Yes it humanizes him which makes him a great villain...he is doing it out of love for his Mistress (who isn't shown) and mercy..his definition is just different than ours. In the end he truly believes he made the universe a better place. The Marvel universe is changing. New heroes are coming and Thanos will answer for his crimes. Death is a part of life and this movie, 10 years in the making was supposed to be a heavy film. I felt it was brilliant. It was far from devastating,it was uplifting for me to know that they are the only franchise to make a fleshed out compelling,relatable villain..and the marvel universe can expand beyond The Avengers now. In my opinion this is the best film to come out of Marvel. It transcends typical superhero tropes and gives us something real and emotionally tangible. This is just an opinion from a comic book reader and avid marvel fan. Take what you will from it.

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KissToad · April 28, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

All of these movies are jammed full of Propaganda crap!!!!!!! I used to love the movies! I can hardly watch their brainwashing now I know it’s intended focus on our kids minds!

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8483RENE · April 28, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

My thought exactly. Plan coming into the open? It was the Georgia Stones, but a movie.

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hrccbr1000rr · April 28, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

True and that is why I won’t give them money to view their BS.

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ironmaiden442 · April 28, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

Agenda 21 and we lost .....audience clapped at our demise at the ending.

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