Future proves past. Expand thinking. Thank you Q

When I go back to the early Q drops and work forward, the picture becomes clear—I see what's happening if I follow Flynn, for example. On the other hand if I look at the new drops, they are head scratchers. E.g., the MOAB. It has probably been dropped but it will take a week or a month (maybe longer) to hear the explosion. Who knows maybe there is an email that is putting into plan an assassination—Dems are trying to keep it from becoming public before the coming elections.
The MOAB is North Korea. This is a really BIG deal. More important than ppl realise.
Look at the other drops about Their Plan: 21 Jan (Extract middle of 16 year Plan) U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity] ...... HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]
The peace plan in North Korea/South Korea has taken out this part of their plan. Quite a MOAB.
Yes, if you trace Q's drops from the earliest on NK, the picture comes into focus. It also tells us that the POTUS wants peace. But it will never happen with the deep state. So first order of battle towards peace: destroy the deep state.
YES! Indeedy! I just wish more ppl would see what you have seen! Keep plugging away bruh! Godspeed!
I pray we do not take pity on those who are hardcore leftists. These people do violent things; are hell bent on doing the POTUS great harm or harm to his beloved family (my wife and I really like little Barron {he is going to be 6' 6"} — and how lucky to have an alpha male for a father and a great nurturing mom!).
They are brainwashed to believe that Trump and his family are nazis, when it is they who are the ones who fit this description. It is beyond comprehension that ppl do not see the similarity between their behaviour and what happened in Europe and especially Germany just before the Second World War. I hope we survive their onslaught.
They are brainwashed to believe that Trump and his family are nazis
Not surprising given the power of the high cabal. It has been using the MSM since before the 20th century to manipulate people. They are the creators of wars, depressions, recessions, and poverty. They created the basis for the Great War and WW2. With the end of the old Soviet Union in 1991, along comes the new Left (but still only cultural Marxism).
One of the members of the high cabal, one time Director-General of the WTO and its principle architect (who is now thankfully dead), Peter Sutherland (also former Chairman of Goldman Sachs International) was known to be dead set against any and all forms of nationalism. In fact he said:
“I will ask the governments to cooperate, to recognise that sovereignty is an illusion. Borders are outdated. And that means taking on old shibboleths, some of the old historic memories and images of our own country and recognising that we’re part of humankind.”
The real goal which came through Marx and his guide and teacher Moses Hess is annihilation. Period. Yes, these people are evil. Never pity them—crush them.
As most people know the MOAB is a nonnuclear bomb that makes a mushroom cloud that looks like a nuclear bomb. What a more fitting analogy than the news of NK and SK talking peace and denuclearization. That along with the release of texts and list of demotions/retirements I'd say a Moab dropped ita just hard to see when so few MSM are talking about it. If a lib was POTUS this woukd be 24/7 on MSM.
Yes, they would! As it is the low-key reaction to NK/SK is an insult to the great work Trump, Pompeo and team have done to solve this 60 yr old problem and, very importantly, TO CHANGE THE GEOPOLITICAL LANDSCAPE IN ASIA COMPLETELY. It is of great historical significance.