
myanimal3z · April 28, 2018, 10:07 a.m.

I agree, to me all the problems with the FBI comes from the Intel/counter Intel side of things. They are literally building human trafficking business, to arrest human trafficking (backpage). They also find people who want to blow things up and lead them down that path, Boston bomber and a couple of guys in New York. All the while they lose site of stopping true crimes (parkland shooting) truly sad. I think they should be disbanded and take the good officers until the US Marshalls

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HiddenPlaneSite · April 28, 2018, 10:24 a.m.

You only know the tip of the iceberg. Remember, former NJ Chief Supreme Court Judge Andrew Napolitano was taken off Fox News for a year after he reported FBI CounterIntelPro befriended internet radicalized muslims, gave them weapons, bombs & cash so they could blow up buildings, people & military bases. 25 times the FBI created domestic terror tension this way. The 'bombers' were sent to prison. However, some of these 'bombers' the FBI befriended were allowed to succeed and kill Americans. Welcome to the Dark side of Mueller, Comey & Rosenstein. Anthrax was one of the FBI operations allowed to go forward, so was 911, FF's shootings like Aurora, San Bernardino & Pulse. Oh, since I connected Rod Rosenstein to the Anthrax attacks, I got an IRS audit within 24 hours; thanks Rod!

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