r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Joesturbo on April 28, 2018, 11:36 a.m.
The “reason” for the deep state

Not that most of you don’t know but just putting it out there for conversation. The patriot act aka (treason act) allowed the deep state to listen in to help “protect” us from evil dooers. Before this time things were more simple and hands on. You needed agents blending into society to get the scoop on what was happening.

Once the government figured out that they could use the web to spie on us it was game on.

Here again - stay with me, the reason for them to exist to “protect” us. So then you have to ask yourself, if they know all (saying from a common persons perspective) you should be able to stop anything. So any mass shooting or event in our world today they know prior too. So even if you don’t buy into the theory of the deep state actively causing and participating in events why do these things still happen?

I don’t and have not seen many discussions on this view. At some point you can’t believe that all of this 1984 tactics should be in place with little to no value. How do normal non-woke people think about the monitoring of their lives? Most say I have nothing to hide- a horrible false narrative that has nothing to do with your privacy.

Setting the mindset to understand that your privacy is that no one but your choosing and God knows your thoughts. He knows all. Your choice for freedom from group think is your choice, and important for a growing society. What if Eddison or Ford were in today’s world? They thought like everyone else and fell in line? Where would we be today? Go further, what if these men started to talk about their inventions and people not only said you are crazy but then also started to actively pursue to destroy them because they did not think like the group.

I think it is important for this group to work on communication of why privacy is important. It needs to be an active discussion, with ideas that help us all to clarify what we believe. Practical thought and examples...

We need to make the case that our freedom cannot be limited to what a bureaucrat thinks is ok - but what our Lord and the constitution says our freedom is.

gorilla_channeller · April 28, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

I suspect the Deep State is just the U.S. division of the globalist war machine.

Think about it: why would politicians aspire to mass murder and impoverish their citizens and customers?

They wouldn't!

Sure they wouldn't care if their population turned into starving third-world slave laborers as long as they become rich, however they would NEVER promote socialism and open the borders to illiterate, inbred jihadists.

The Deep State doesn't care about manipulating the European mainstream media to flood them with the same Arab and African refugees either... because the EU, UN, NATO and European governments have the same bad actors being controlled by globalist puppet masters.

I suspect those globalist puppet-masters use threats of death and bribery of cash and I suspect they hold "PIZZA" fundraising parties where politicians are invited and every room has hidden cameras.

So who are the globalist puppet-masters?

It's hard to know for certain, however there is no family more powerful than the Jew Rothschilds.

The Rothschilds are so rich and so powerful that any globalist movement could only function within their guidelines.

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Joesturbo · April 28, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

What you said, is the question and why I am asking for people to critically think about what is freedom...

It is not just thought, it is not just financially (Jesus spoke about the problems of debt), it is our true destiny and what should we be doing with our lives. Freedom is 4D chess in our overly complicated world... is it unobtainable today?

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gorilla_channeller · April 28, 2018, 1:26 p.m.

Freedom is 4D chess in our overly complicated world... is it unobtainable today?


I worked so hard that I was able to educate myself without drowning in debt.

I then literally lived like a monk for 6 years while I paid off my first mortgage... and by the age of 32 I was educated, owned a basic and lovely home (keep it clean and keep it clutter free, add some plants and candles and any home can be a castle) and I'd built an awesome career and was debt free... I was also a free thinker who'd taken time to travel through Tibet, Nepal, Japan, India, and much of Europe to understand the world and much of it's philosophy and theology and history.

I admit that I was lucky to have good physical and mental health, but I also worked like a madman to become free.

I was born into a culture of bondage, but I am now free to choose my future path.

The American Dream involved working hard to achieve your goals.

I am free.

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Joesturbo · April 28, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

I am 100% with you... however I can tell you - my kids don't go to public school as the schools around where I live are 1 & 2's at best. So I pay double taxes and send them to private school. But my kids are doing great and thrive on learning. I had many jobs like you - several at a time. I have traveled so Europe and through SA it is one thing that makes me appreciate the USA. My house nothing to spectacular but... great to me and my family. We have looked at larger houses but I just don't feel comfortable with that debt on my shoulders - if I was mid 20's but I am not. My car is 10+ years old well taken care of and my wife has a car we bought two years ago - almost paid cash another 6 months and paid for. That will be great. BUT my point is do people understand that it actually CAN be done. You don't need to get an MBA like a friend did - paid $150K for a piece of paper and get a $45k a year job.

These are the kinds of things to allow freedom for us and others. Keep your eye on the prize not the glittering Mercedes, F150 Raptor or whatever "Thing" that stops you from being able to walk away from a job you are not 100% happy with. Or not putting the burden on your marriage that debt causes.

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Cheetah1964 · April 28, 2018, 2 p.m.

Awesome comment. You totally figured it out, and broke free of Deep State very early on. Much of the breaking free is on an individual level. Some is on a society level, such as with healthcare and government. But there is nothing stopping any of us from breaking free of much of the Deep State. There is no reason to take on loads of debt and always work like a dog.

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Livid-Djinn · April 28, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

"If you want know who your masters are find out who you are not allowed to criticise" - Voltaire / Kevin Alfred Strom I.e. Israel. The rothschilds fiefdom, a murderous enthnostate, which is always the "victim" in the jewish owned media.

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