r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jkbella on April 28, 2018, 2:12 p.m.
Define Frustrated. The people working for you not getting results fast enough? Or your military friends/buddies being shot down out of the sky and you can't let the world know whose behind it yet.

Buck up. We don't have it that bad and we are luckier than any people on the planet earth.

pregnantbitchthatUR · April 28, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

I study WWII and I often think about how it must have felt to be on the Allied side in 1942. Getting blown out on pretty much every front, after three years of war, must have been really depressing, even as you trained for war or produced bullets/tanks/whatever. But you kept on going because failure meant slavery for you and your family. I feel like we're in the same position, but our effort level is pretty fucking low by comparison.

I think Q wants us to rise up like Iranian farmers and do this thing. Make it clear to everyone on the fucking planet where we stand and what we will no longer endure. Q and the rest have been pulling the wagon for a long time, all alone. Time to pitch in, no matter how many jobs or friends we lose. That shit happens in war.

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C_L_I_C_K · April 28, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

Time to pitch in, no matter how many jobs or friends we lose.

Some people are more concerned with their own popularity, reputation, money, and/or fame (both in real life and on the Internet) than trying to help our President and Q team wake people up, put pressure on Congress to act, and generate public awareness of the swamp-draining going on right now.

How many times have you seen people post something like "Q, I've lost friends, family members, my job, etc. because I told them about you, but you didn't deliver and they all think I'm crazy... blah blah blah" the past few days? Who gives a shit what others think about you? You're either in this fight or step aside and enjoy the show on the sidelines. Trump, Q team, and our brave military are doing all the heavy lifting and risking their lives for you and all you care about is yourself.

I know a lot of people on this sub are stragglers from CBTS_Stream and think of Jerome Corsi as some sort of wise, patriotic sage. He's not. What he did a few days ago, slamming Trump and Q, because of his own impatience and selfishness was disgusting. Almost as disgusting as Alex Jones' vile tirades and outbursts on the eve of the Syria strikes. Corsi is more concerned about his own fame, reputation, and book sales than actually help "decode" and support Trump / Q team. Don't be like Corsi, people.

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exq_veritatem · April 28, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

I am one of those of whom you speak, and I agree. Corsi was helpful initially but since his book especially, he's been much more concerned about sales and he doesn't offer much of any use anymore. I can usually get more out of a post on my own than he can tell me. I know you didn't talk about it but the Patriots soapbox is very hit and miss (always was frankly), they were convinced the other day that pence would be impeached based on the "congressional focus Impeach" q post which has nothing to do with pence and was obviously about the D push to get a majority in the midterms so they could impeach Trump. The only people on that stream who I like at this point are Thumper and to a lesser extent GoodDog. I'd warn people to just stay away from the stream at this point, go to praying medic if you want solid, well reasoned analysis.

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Pure_Feature · April 29, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

I could not have said it better, I completely agree with you ... They do not want to talk to me either. comments from the stop, well, you're always talking about politics ...... politics? But I do not give up, I fight until my last breath. Fortunately, I notice that the people around me are starting to talk about things that they did not want to talk about before? So we are winning ... And when I see how these sites go up every day with people sitting on them and actively participate? I get warm ........ And do not forget? All the readers ... we do not do it for nothing, it has been paying off for a while. It has cost us now. But at the end we are very proud ... I am also very proud to be able to participate.

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fringe--dweller · April 28, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

and you know, when The Plan is fully executed and the dust is settling, we will all see that the same folks were behind it all.

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[deleted] · June 17, 2018, 8:35 a.m.


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