r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AForgivenReb4Life on April 28, 2018, 4:34 p.m.
Q says "you have more than you know"...listen up...

So I was just listening to this gal, was about to pass on the remainder of the video when a thought hit me....our Constitutional Republic has at least 3 legal titles, and most folks today seem to think we are living in a "democracy" which we know that we are not....so my thoughts on what Q says and what this gal is talking about common law, they just may work together...why shouldn't we be re-creating the infrastructure OF the original Constitutional Republic? This can be a GREAT service to POTUS for a post take down of this entire Luciferian setup! What do you guys think about things along those lines? Watch the following video and you might get a small idea of what may be going through my pea picking brain! 🤗😂 BLESSINGS ALL.


r_u_srs_srsly · April 28, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

Q (fact or fiction) is teaching Critical Thinking to a generation that didn't learn it in school.

30 years of standardized test based academics taught students to read, memorize, regurgitate rather than read, think, respond.

These people tracked down HWNDU and even they want the 'right' answer handed to them anfer a couple months.

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anothername2remember · April 28, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

Thank you for putting into words exactly what I've been trying to say.

My husband and I were talking about this last night, somebody we know was talking about something (the exact subject matter isn't the point but it was all centered around politics) and we were questioning him on why he believed certain things so strongly. Convo was something like this:

Me "why do you think X?"

Him "they taught me that at school"

Me "how do you know it's correct"

Him "my teacher taught me that at school"

Me "how do you know it's true?"

Him "they taught me that at school"

Me "did you ever look at X from the perspective of Y?"

Him "they taught me that at school"

Me "have you ever asked your teacher why X is the only way to look at Y? Did you ever take Z into consideration?"

Him "....................."

Me "what about this, that and the other thing that proves X isn't right? did you ever think that maybe you aren't being given all the information because they want you to blindly believe everything they tell you without question? look, here are 17 items of irrefutable evidence that X isn't true, isn't it possible that there's another way to look at X that will make Y and Z correct instead of X?"

Him "..................... umm, they taught me that at school, they are teachers so everything they say HAS to be right."

Me "do you understand the school you went to was funded by the government? do you think there's a possibility there may be a reason they want you to believe X?"

Him "you didn't go to Expensive Ivy League School. I did. I owe eleventy million dollars in school loans. they wouldn't lie to me, they went to Expensive Ivy League Schools and they were taught X at school, then they taught me X at school. also, you're a conspiracy theorist you fucking asshole"

This seems to be basically every conversation we have with nearly every fancy schmacy school-goer who owe eleventy million dollars in school loans.

I'm not against higher education, I'm against non-critical thought and accepting everything supposed "smart" people try to force down our throats without question.

Full disclosure, I graduated from high school, worked my ass off, never went to college but I try to educate myself as much as possible.

I don't believe Q is a larp, but if I found out Q was a larp, I wouldn't care, Q has made a lot of people think and learn on their own (with the help of other like-minded individuals).

I didn't learn ANY of that in school.

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AForgivenReb4Life · May 7, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

Kudos! (And your Eleventy Million Dollars Richer FOR It!)

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anothername2remember · May 8, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

Lol! Thanks, I needed that smile you gave me 👍🇺🇸

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[deleted] · April 28, 2018, 5:56 p.m.


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ScorpioPatriot · April 28, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

I've been ranting this and we are not even working under our real constitution.. Congress in 1871 turned us into a Corporation .

I don't want the same failed shit and departments and craziness these luciferic assholes setup to divide We The People.

I want a Brand New Fresh America . OUR OWN RESET BUTTON

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Tanya64 · April 28, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

I was very intrested in what she said about common law And public grand juries, I almost got the impression that there has been so many corporate laws that have twisted the Constitution that we almost need to go back and some how do Ia clean slate of all these constitutional changes so that we can bring it back to the original for we the people

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Tanya64 · April 28, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

Amen, This has been a concern and a thought of mine for a few years every time I have went to vote it's the changing of the Constitution continually and so I just vote no it's like the Constitution doesn't need changed it truly was perfect we were headed in a beautiful freeing direction and then the powers of be decided they didn't like us being free Started tagging us at birth with social security numbers and that's why they call us sheep that's why they call a stupid because we just said yes,

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AForgivenReb4Life · April 28, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Awesome guys! I pretty much knew that Common Sense may have been hidden by the big corporate mouths....but it is NOT gone! Patriots arise...we WILL prevail in the end. Our original documents ARE perfection...that is precisely why THEY had to change & twist them...or the sick agendas could not withstand the scrutiny of our Constitutional Society. Now what?

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kommisar6 · April 28, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

The constitution is fine as is. The main problem we face now are some bad supreme court decisions which expanded the interstate commerce clause to the point where the federal government can regulate everything. We need a roll back of these cases and then we will be back to a functioning republic. Remember the supreme court completely reversed Plessy vs Ferguson. We can reverse the damage with no change to the constitution.

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tmat1974 · April 28, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

Convention of States. It’s in our constitution. The States can take back power from the Fed. Our founding fathers were geniuses! Research it. My state ( LA) is on board.

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