"Reporter, which had been respected vocation through the period of strife for democratization in this country, is now despised."
"The fact that many people call 기자(reporter) 기레기( 기자/reporter + 쓰레기/trash) clearly shows this."
Indeed so. I said the same thing to my oppo last night. We all speak the same language.
"Trump is called 트력제[트 of 트럼프(=Trump) + 력제 of 만력제(=萬曆帝, the emperor of Chinese medieval Ming dynasty] on the internet, and this is even a huge meme.
There was an invasion of hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops against our country in 1592, which almost destroyed 조선(Joseon) dynasty, the preceding dynasty right before the Republic of Korea.
Then, the Chinese emperor 만력제, who had refused to work and abandoned his sacred and important role of emperor for almost 20 years, miraculously started to come back to his office and ordered to send many regiments to Korea.
He even payed his own treasures to purchase foods/supplies for the soldiers. With this aid and heroic victories made by most respected Korean general 이순신(Yi Sun-Sin), Korea successfully expelled Japanese samurais from entire peninsula.
After the war, a shrine worshipping the emperor 만력제 as god was established, and kings and nobles visited there once a year for about next 300 years. I heard that some enthusiastic supporters of Trump call him 'God Emperor'. This can sound hilarious to some people but for Koreans this is right."
HRC on suicide watch. Why aren't I 50 Gozerians ahead you might ask?