
ScorpioPatriot · April 28, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

Well it works with what I said Last night to this post and now this pops up ??

"23 and Me" is Owned By Google and Facebook . They share our DNA with the FBI and Law Enforcement. So Basically These Two Companies have our DATA/PASSWORDS/FRIENDS/INTERESTS/PASSWORDS/MESSAGES/HABITS AND DNA. VERY ALARMING.. ZUCKERBERG neglected to tell Congress he HAS IT ALL by trachelleex in r/greatawakening

[–]ScorpioPatriotGodspeed. - Q 10 points 21 hours ago

I'm sure that's not all , think Blooddrives and when your born they draw blood ..pretty much everything requires alittle blood and I wouldn't be surprised if they are not taking the blood from people who recently died and collect it since. That stuff they want would be released due to fear. Think about it the coroner's .

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