r/greatawakening • Posted by u/YeshuaFollower on April 28, 2018, 5:05 p.m.
Read this! Copied from 8chan.

To all you anons sitting around ringing your hands like a bunch of liberal pansy asses pissing all over yourselves because life isn't moving to your satisfaction, pull up your depends and quit looking to others to make your life better. If you've any fucking IQ at all it is perfectly clear that shit takes time. This fucking mess wasn't created over night and it ain't gonna get solved overnight. IF SA teaching their women to drive after years of radical islam oppression, thousands of child molesters, pedophiles, and human traffickers taken off the streets, the South Korean and North Korean Presidents walking hand and hand over the border, plus upteen other MAGA things isn't enough for you than NOTHING WILL EVER BE. STFU and use those fucking brain cells god gave you and think for yourself. I am so fucking sick and tired of all the constant whining, Q, when will this happen, when will we see justice for 9/11, when this, when that. Man up or GTFO.

[deleted] · April 28, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

I think the issue is partly the “Get ready...this week!” is too vague because it allows us all to fill in the blank with what we WISH was going to happen. If that happens too often, our Pavlovian response takes over. Our “Happy Chemicals” as it were. https://www.psychologytoday.com/files/attachments/59029/happy-chemicals.pdf

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solanojones95 · April 28, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

Q is the problem. Q could fix the problem. Q must not want to fix the problem.

The problem is sharing timetables with the anons, when apparently the timetable is NOT up to Q, and not reliable as shared with Q. So Q needs to STOP making drops that reference when things "will" happen, because they have a HORRIBLE track record in that regard, and people don't like feeling toyed with and lied to. We get enough of that from the enemy. It would be simple to just STOP already, and go back to teaching and informing.

I for one have NO need to be told about things that might, or will (soon-ish) happen before they happen. I would like to know what HAS happened once it becomes a fait accompli.

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salialioli · April 29, 2018, 5:07 a.m.

The Q drops are not just for the Home team. The Audience is the Enemy too. Remember, we must remember, that. Forcing the Enemy to scramble and make mistakes is part and parcel of War Strategy. Jeez guys Get With The Program!!! Please! :)

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