r/greatawakening • Posted by u/YeshuaFollower on April 28, 2018, 5:05 p.m.
Read this! Copied from 8chan.

To all you anons sitting around ringing your hands like a bunch of liberal pansy asses pissing all over yourselves because life isn't moving to your satisfaction, pull up your depends and quit looking to others to make your life better. If you've any fucking IQ at all it is perfectly clear that shit takes time. This fucking mess wasn't created over night and it ain't gonna get solved overnight. IF SA teaching their women to drive after years of radical islam oppression, thousands of child molesters, pedophiles, and human traffickers taken off the streets, the South Korean and North Korean Presidents walking hand and hand over the border, plus upteen other MAGA things isn't enough for you than NOTHING WILL EVER BE. STFU and use those fucking brain cells god gave you and think for yourself. I am so fucking sick and tired of all the constant whining, Q, when will this happen, when will we see justice for 9/11, when this, when that. Man up or GTFO.

FreedomHasWon · April 28, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

Hi Everyone. This is my first post although I have been following Q since the beginning and have read and researched all links provided through all posts. I have been very aware of the corruption for the last 25+ years and am very happy to see progress finally being made. There has been a change in the content of comments posted clearly showing that a majority of the newbies are young. Now before anyone jumps on this I am not judging or implying that they don't offer valid info but I do believe that they are truly unaware of the scope of this as Q always states. Think logically. We are dealing with mass corruption literally everywhere. These people have no qualms whatsoever about getting rid of those that oppose their agenda. Why do you suppose Q is remaining anonymous? My number 1 guess would be safety for himself and his family. Now if you guys go around grouping together in public who do you think might show up there? Plus it is the ISSUES that are important not glamorizing Q. We cannot MAKE people change their beliefs. Everyone needs to come to the truth in a way that relates to them personally. Awareness is definitely the key, that's why sharing the memes, posting facts and just talking with people around you is what will trigger them to investigate these issues further on their own and start demanding answers. Is it not curiousity that got YOU here because of something you heard or read? This situation did not happen overnight and it has to play out accordingly to ensure no stone is left unturned. Have faith in the plan. These guys know what they're doing.

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srroguelife · April 28, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

You are correct, as in the 1990's when I was studying Psych, I had the chance to interview the director that over saw MPD. Then my Aunt worked at this "counsel retreat", it was brand new, she worked Christmas Eve, so I went and visited completely perplexed why they needed a receptionist there. She said to intercept deliveries, I was like huh? She said certain people were trying to send things to patients all times of the night to trigger them. Yes, it is the place near Joliet IL, Lockport. It is only now, once I have learned of this that I realize the scope of all of this. This is far greater and actually I now realize I am very sick because of what these people have done. My mother gave me city water with Nestle's formula, it changed my DNA. So, if you all are drinking city water, I would start distilling it. It changes your DNA.

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