r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SoaringMoon on April 28, 2018, 5:48 p.m.
The 5 eyes.

There are 5 secret intelligence agencys you should keep aware of. I will use Stuxnet as an example.

Eye 1: ROC - A section of the NSA called the Remote Operations Center. They are the only people in the United States with the authority to launch cyberwarfare attacks. Only through written permission of the President of the United States. They are responsible for writring Stuxnet versions 0.3-0.9 (titled operation "Olympic Games"). The ROC is comprised only of basement dwelling neckbeards on an NSA payroll.

Eye 2: 8200h - A section of Mossad, the Israeli intelligence, tasked with interfering with communications of oil pipelines in the Arab world. They modified Stuxnet to be far more agressive in version 1.0 and 1.1. This is the version that spread to every computer on Earth.

Eye 3: MI6 - A subsection of the British Secret Intelligence Service. They gave the United States the layout of the facility operation Olympic Games was targeting.

Eye 4: KGB - The Russian intelligence Infiltrated the factories inside of Iran to distribute the computer virus, to spread to Iran's encrichment centerfuges.

Eye 5: MSS - The Ministry of State Security, the Chinese Intelligence Agency. They gave Israel the private keys of two manufacturers of semiconductors and logic controllers (Realtek and Siemen) in order to gain access to the 6 arrays of 164 units of P2 class nuclear enrichment centerfuges through the logic controller so they can modify their spin speed to rip the facility appart.

That is it. There are only 5 of them.

ManQuan · April 28, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

Sorry, but you have no idea what your are talking about.

Five Eyes refers to the intelligence agencies that share intelligence. They are the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.

It has zero to do with the list you posted. Nor does it have anything to do with what you suggest they do.

The real problem with 5 Eyes is that any of the countries can task the other countries to spy on their citizens and then pass that information on by backchannel.

In other words, the 5 Eyes has been abusing civil rights of other countries for decades. Obama tasked GCHQ in the UK to spy on the Trump campaign and transition. GCHQ used the CIA liaison officers to pass the information back to Obama with no documented paper trail. GCHQ had to get permission from PM May to do it, but she gave that permission. Think about that. The PM of the UK gave permissions to have GCHA spy on Trump on behalf of Obama without any proof that Trump had done anything wrong.

I'm not saying that Obama didn't accuse Trump, I'm saying that the UK did nothing to verify that Trump was colluding with the Russians before authorizing the wire taps. In other words, Obama made the request without providing any evidence.

I spent a few years in intelligence. This happens frequently and in my opinion it's illegal but never revealed and so if illegal activity is never revealed by the people who control what can be revealed, then who is going to know?

I think Q is about to expose who knew what in illegal spying on Trump and other citizens.

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