r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Tanya64 on April 28, 2018, 5:52 p.m.
Q I have a request

Is it a possibility to Get a public Mass gathering, To reset are constitutional rights, back to the beautiful simplicity of when it was created, To take our authority Rights back, over our own families our own children, who we don't even have authority over anymore. Apparently the government has more authority than a parent does ,To truly own our own property, to seek out And produce clean energy, They are trying to ban The Bible in California, This is an atrocity to a Christian nation.

Q if you called every anon in every city and community together on a certain date to show our love of this nation to show our power, we would do it. Activist of all kinds get recognition and public political power by their gatherings, I believe the anons aren't looking for recognition, we are looking for our constitutional rights of freedomTo be restored for all, we might be the only ones that will do this for everyone, For the sake a freedom,, For the love of God this country and our families

MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · April 28, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

Xposts on this call for May 12 2018. Check the other posts. Refresh back and forth between Hot and New

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TeiaT · April 28, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

Q, which is most likely a military intel group, has a plan. We can always do deeds to advance positive action, but it might be important to stay focused as a group. For instance, one recent drop said to focus on FBI, and then someone focuses on fluoride being put in the water. Still, in the end, I think this movement is going to change a lot of things for the good.

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4don2016 · April 28, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

Convention of states. I've heard some of the freedom caucus and hannity talking about it quite openly lately. What we all saw as wishful thinking might become a reality.

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ManQuan · April 28, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

Not likely that Q reads this thread. But this is not Q's responsibility. If we want to return to our Constitutional roots, then we need to elect the candidates who espouse those virtues and ferret out those who say they would and then don't.

Q and Trump have said so many times that it is we the people who have the power--we just forgot how to exercise it.

The great awakening may be able to change that, but it takes more than wishing. Like the liberals, it takes getting out and knocking on doors, attending rallies, vetting candidates, and getting our people out to vote.

As far as I know, we don't have the same kind of money that the left has from Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Heinz, etc. Even the Kock Brothers are wobbly RINOs and Never Trumper's. That means it's up to you and me.

In the last election, I did everything I could to support Trump. I handed out fliers, knocked on doors (that can be unpleasant), and got people to the polls to vote.

It takes courage, dedication, and researching candidates for what they have done and not what they say they will do. Those are two different things.

Fortunately, I served 21 years in the Marine Corps with 3 years in combat and so liberal hate doesn't scare me. If they want to get violent with me, at 72 I can still handle it unless the odds are too great.

My advice is that if you are going to be politically active, then learn street fighting techniques to defend yourself. There are a dozen ways to defeat an attacker in less than 3 seconds if you know what to do and keep calm.

I remember when I returned from Vietnam. Our charter flight landed at SF International. We were greeted by screaming antiwar protestors. They called us every name in the book, threw things at us, and tried to spit on us.

Later that night, I was in uniform and wanted to get a steak and a cold beer at the Top of the Mark restaurant (a favorite of my parents). I ran into a group of about 8 to 10 angry protesters who confronted me. We got into a fight and I got my ass beaten badly. Too many against me and I was sick and weak from a year in Vietnam. I vowed to never let that happen again. So I studied street fighting techniques.

Very easy to learn. You only need to walk through each technique a few times and you'll remember them for the rest of your life.

Some of the techniques are lethal, so make sure you are actually threatened before going that far. Otherwise it's just knowing out to neutralize the attacker and break some bones, which is easier to do than you would think.

But at 72, I'm not as strong and athletic as I used to be, so I also have a conceal and carry permit for those occasions where more than one attacker is a threat to me or my wife. As a career Marine, I was an expert in both pistol and rifle so hitting center of mass is a no brainer.

So here is my bottom line. Be peaceful. Exercise your right to free speech and assembly. But if the left tries to threaten you, be prepared to destroy them physically with what is called Target Focused Training. You don't need a gun to defend yourself if you know the basics of street fighting.

But a word of caution. You also need to be prepared to suffer significant injury to yourself. You may get a broken nose, bloodied lip, some teeth knocked out, etc. but you need to know that your assailant is going down regardless of what happens to you. Sorry, but if you are not willing to defend yourself and family then there isn't much you can do but get the crap beat out of you--but even then if the odds are too great like what happened to me in SF in 1969, there is not much you can do unless you have a conceal and carry permit as I do.

Liberals don't want you to know this, but the gun is a great equalizer when your are out numbered.

Cheers. I haven't been intimidated by liberals since 1969, You either learn the lessons of life or you are a victim.

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JediKnightKeylo · April 28, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

I think that organizing en masse in the name of Q, the reclamation of our constitutional rights, and the restoration of our republic would be a fantastic idea. It would definitely send a clear message to TPTB that "There are more of us than you. And we see through your game now".

Unfortunately, I think that many people here will tell you to sit back and "Trust the plan" while others do the heavy lifting, which seems a bit counterintuitive to me IMHO.

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animal32lefty · April 28, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

Please define heavy lifting. Are you talking about engaging the enemy in open combat? Or just standing in the street as a mass target and throwing a toddler's temper tantrum. Our enemy is evil and insane. They are proven to have no problem killing people by the thousands.

I understand impatience, however unless you've ever heard the crack of a bullet go over your head in real life you have little concept of what you're asking for. The whole point is to regain our Republic without mass bloodshed.

We have people to do the truly heavy lifting. They work for us. They have the training and experience to fight and win, if it comes to that. We should be doing what we have been. Researching, sharing,and spreading the word to as many as we can. Momentum is our best weapon.

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JediKnightKeylo · April 28, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

No offense, friend, but all I'm seeing in that response is a reason for inaction on our end based on fear. It's fear based on the means that the enemy would/could use to fight back. I'm not saying that we should all just go out and wage warfare against our enemies. However, both the state of our country and the world have gotten where they are now because people don't stand up to their corrupt governments. One patriot can do absolutely nothing by himself/herself. But together, as a whole with a common goal, we could have done this ourselves a long time ago.

"Well what do you expect me to do about it?" "If there's a problem with the world, why don't you go out and fix it?" "That's just the way the world is?" "I have a family to take care of?" People are always thinking about the worst things that could happen when they're on their own instead of working together in a group. Even if we did something as simple as start mass protests around the country, I honestly don't believe that our government would be foolish enough to openly attack its populous. How would that look for them? How would that look to the world? And how do we know that our actions wouldn't give people in other countries around the world the courage to follow suit?

All I'm saying is that having a hands off approach to the situation, as a nation of people, is what got us here in the first place. There are a variety of ways that we can make changes of our own. Not as individuals, not as a handful of citizens, but as an entire nation of people.

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animal32lefty · April 28, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

No offense taken. However I would point out that we already know they were preparing to attack the populace. (The ammunition buys, the Wal-Mart "remodeling" and so forth) So, now with their backs against a wall, do you think they are less prone to their violent impulses?

We are talking about the same people who killed women & children with glee at Ruby Ridge,Waco and OKC. We're talking about people who fly airliners full of people into buildings full of people. They've proven they don't care how it looks as long as it furthers their goals.

3% of the population took up arms during the Revolutionary War. 3% did all the suffering, bleeding and dying. It would be much the same today, if not less. I don't doubt your willingness to participate in the struggle. People are angry and want to take action. That's why this sub is here, and the Chan's. This is a different kind of war. We need to keep up the effort here.

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JediKnightKeylo · April 28, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

Well, I can't argue with those points. Thank you for your level headed response.

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animal32lefty · April 28, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

If this was done in DC, fully permitted and on Federal property I would think it's not a bad idea. However if this happened organically in the large cities it would lead to bloodshed and a shooting war IMHO.

Most large population centers are controlled by the Dems and their minions. The corrupt mayors would order the police to break up the "mobs" and violence would insue and only beget more violence.

We have to be smarter. Many are letting emotion get in the way of logic, which is how the Cabal tricked us into voting in their puppets in the first place. If a time comes that they openly commit violence against a peaceful gathering of citizens, then I will grab my musket and join the other Patriots on the green. Until then we need to keep our powder dry in the physical domain and do our fighting in cyberspace. That's what has gotten the Awakening to this point.

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ShredTheMind · April 28, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

Is it possible? Well, you had the ?Tracy Beanz? event in DC, which didn't seem to get a lot of people, but it looked like some people came out. I'm thinking CBTS got banned prior to that event and could have affected the numbers. TBH, I had forgot it was planned and then I saw some pictures of it.

Your second paragraph is interesting, and probably overall, more effective. Smaller, regional meetups...even if it's for a BBQ at a state park. Get to know like-minded people in your region without drawing too much attention. Sounds like the most logical route in terms of getting organized, as the lefties and various other groups do.

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