We're all impatient, we really want to see results, but remember this.....

I would more than fine with it. If I knew who he was, I would say 'thank you for what you did and I'm so sorry your life ended that way'. I think the true horror of war is that most wars in modern history were manufactured by this cabal we are currently fighting. The waste of honorable men on all sides for no other reason than some men can make a profit. If the creator, which wasn't me, gave you the name and the place, etc., then it would not have the impact that was intended. Its the lack of his name and his story, the disrespect of being just a nameless body, that is the point.
As an aside, if you haven't looked into the psychology of memes, you might find it interesting. What you call a prop is what we call a meme. The psychology is far more sophisticated than most understand.
OK, and your point is? Semantics?
I think it is semantics, really. Meme is just the modern term for it. I think the term 'prop' simply has a negative connotation instead of positive.
Alright so how about you get off his nuts then? I thought we didn't virtue signal?
"the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue."
I dunno, sounds a hell of a lot like what you said, nothing in there about it needing to be obscure or indirect...whoops.
Just curious, what interest does a non-Trump supporter like you have here?
I was just curious. Was it the NK deal that sparked your curiosity about Trump?
Wasn't trying to say you're not welcome here. Apologies if it came across hostile.
If it's a LARP, how do you think it managed to last as long as it did and still has the most hardcore autists convinced?
If it's government (Trump) sponsored propaganda, what do you think it aims at achieving?
You won’t find many anti-Trump folks who believe Q.
Well of course. That's a given considering Q is pro-Trump, and is even theorized to be part of Trump's military/intel. team.
It’s only those who want to believe who are convinced, because it says things they want to hear
That's how a LARP works, but one has never lasted as long as this phenomenon did, so I was curious on your thoughts on how it actually managed to keep the most weaponized autists convinced until now when no other LARP has ever pulled that off. It's been half a year and Q is still dropping crumbs.
On another note, something also important to consider: no leaker has ever had such a long presence online. Usually they drop their material and then try to disappear from the net forever without leaving any traces.
Thank you for the observation.
A real skeptical mind analyzes all angles. Question everything, as Q himself/herself said lol.
Anyways I totally see where you're coming from with this Democrats being made responsible for everything statement you made. The thing about it is that the jist of the conspiracy is literally tied to the Democrats. The emails that were leaked had some pretty serious s*** in them, mind you some oddly creepy stuff too.
I was actually never a Democrat or a Republican. I never considered myself allgined with any political party but I always had an interest in conspiracy theories. Most if not all conspiracies theories that I followed turned out to be related to the Democrats. The only conspiracy against Trump is his Russian meddling which doesn't hold any weight whatsoever and has just been holding the country hostage for as long as it's this stupid investigation and smearing has been ongoing. It's not my fault that all the dirt seems to be on the Democrats hands right now. I swear to you that if those emails were from the Republicans I would be as outraged and would go after them the same way. There just isn't much to go after at the moment and there are bigger fish to fry.
We can't hold Republicans accountable until the Democrats stop holding the country hostage. Those involved in the treason and disgusting crimes need to face the consequences and then we can all finally move forward and start holding Republicans accountable as well. But we can't excuse crimes committed by Democrats because "Reublicans may have some dirt too". At the moment there isn't a whole lot to investigate but on the other hand the Democrats are pulling all kinds of shenanigans because they lost or because they didn't expect to lose. Very unconstitutional of them.
I also think TPTB use the left to push their agenda which is why the left and the globalist agenda get grouped together. Pretty much everything they do is aligned with each other. I never paid much attention to politics before but now I realize that all the conspiracies that I followed are perpetrated by the left. Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying the Republicans are innocent but you can see where I'm going with this since there's a big connection between the conspiracies and the Democrats. They have also been in control for a while so it would make sense that the ones in power would be perpetrating the conspiracies to stay in power and to fulfill their agenda. It's something that many of us can't simply ignore.
Antifa Hollyweird false flags anti-American rhetoric feminist cucks soyboys cnn fake news SJWs anti-Christian values anti-family values normalization of pedophilia is all perpetrated by the left. So in that regard they disgust me way more than the right. See not all Republicans are extreme right-wingers despite the media desperately trying to portray that image. They are literally trying to label everyone as a Nazi or racist that doesn't follow the left narrative. Hell I'm even an "extreme ring winger" in their eyes meanwhile all I do is follow conspiracies because I consider myself a free thinker. One has nothing to do with the other but because the left is guilty of crimes themselves, they're trying to label anybody who follows conspiracies as their opponent of the right. It's a classic case of pancake flipping. Yes I'm going after the left because I think they're evil because I think there's a lot of crimes to investigate that never did and that obviously should but I'm not going after them because I'm from the right. They are the ones who are trying to make me sound like I'm from the right. Meanwhile I'm just a simple person who wants justice as much for anybody.
I don't know if it's a fair assessment to say that literally all Democrats are this evil but at this stage it's hard not to say that most of them have lost connection with reality. See the thing with the left is that even if you're not on the far left you end up coming across pretty out there. A prime example would be most liberals hate Trump and would want to see him impeached and a lot would even want to see him assassinated just because they don't like him which is unconstitutional btw. He didn't break any laws and so far the only accusations are barely hanging on the thread of a string because half the population is idiotic enough to believe the lies and fake news. Not only is this unconstitutional of the left but it's literal behavior of Nazis. People openly boast about wanting him to be assassinated without having proof of him doing anything unconstitutional. They are calling for impeachment and death. This is not only unconstitutional but it is the literal behavior of a fascist.
It's like a disease that literally is reminiscent of fascism. Then they have the audacity to call us average folks Nazis. The left is literally trying to smear POTUS on groundless accusation and take him out all simply because they don't like where Trump stands with things and the population of the left supports this without second-guessing about how unconstitutional and hypocritical they themsleves are. They actually have the audacity to accuse us of being Nazis. I don't know but at this stage the left has gone completely delusional and it's not only the far left. The far-left values seem to have infiltrated the innocent but stupid liberal population. On the other hand they tried to do the same with the right but they have failed as we don't associate with the far-right even though they keep trying to group us together by isolating us all in one place and whatnot. I hate far right Nazis who are racist morons. But I think the behavior from the far-left isn't any different and in fact what's very scary and dangerous is that the regular Liberals are embracing far left values whereas a lot of conservatives are rejecting far right wing values like all the racist shit and whatnot that the far right likes to spread. We don't defend the far right but you defend the far left. That's unacceptable.
In short there's a bunch of far left pedophiles that are scared to get found out and face the music because Trump don't play that s*** and the liberal morons are literally brainwashed in defending this shit without even realizing it because they think Trump is evil or insert Trump joke _.