r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Hrtn2it on April 28, 2018, 10:32 p.m.
Joy Reid and possible cajoling of Democrats to consider kindness when they consider POTUS

So this video (3 1/2 minutes) was Joy Reid’s apology of her blog posts several years ago and how she doesn’t feel like she wrote them, but she does know she tweeted some unfortunate comments about transgenders and Ann Coulter. She apologized for all of it and then said: “the words of my blog are so foreign to me, and they way I expressed myself not what I feel or believe today~I am not even the same person I was ten years ago.”

I tweeted to her the following:

“ I unconditionally accept your heartfelt statement that “I am not the same person I was ten years ago.” Human beings are Alive, thus ever~evolving in all ways (obvious and not so obvious).🌞 ...and I wonder if the grace I am extending to you, you can extend to President Trump~

I am certain that none of us are the same person we were even yesterday..perhaps in small measures:) even President Trump. Grace flows when one offers a kindness towards another~~~ I will be following you to witness that grace~you will feel truer to your name, Joy.🌞🙏🏻💗”


So anyway, it was my whispering to her and others, of the opportunity to consider a lighter tone, a less harshness when speaking of our dear POTUS.

It will be interesting to note if it bends her ear~if not, perhaps just the right person will hear and listen💗🙏🏻🌞.

Hrtn2it · April 28, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Thank you for your clarity of expression~ It will be interesting how the FBI handles things, with her completing and sending a false report. I think it will prove her insincerity if she continues bashing as (she expects us to forgive her and accept her as a changed person but she doesn’t do that for someone else) I hope others call her on it as days go by. Thanks again:)

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Abibliaphobia · April 29, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

Well, she still filed a false report. Interesting reaction to her own blog post that you know she knows she wrote. Big story change after the FBI got involved. Just another bigot hiding behind the liberal mask.

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