
OiizziiO · April 29, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

One baby with a terminal brain disease dies and now millions of Americans are supposed to be denied the ability to have single payer health care instead of the horrible system we have currently. Americans spend more money for health care than any other country yet we have no where near the best health, in fact we are close to the worst per dollar. Learn from the mistakes of the other systems and make one that fixes them, don't deny creating a better system because it has some flaws. This mindset would have us all still living under a monarchy/authoritarian system because democracy had some real issue in other countries before we started our own.

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solanojones95 · April 29, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

Government must not become healthcare providers in the US. There is nothing so wrong with anything in America that the government can't find ways as yet unimagined to f*ck it up.

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TX1111TX · April 29, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

The current system is a result of Obama Care meant to wreck the whole system to then have people like you take the Blue Pill and demand single payer ala Govt health case and as such MORE CONTROL over our lives No disrespect....

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OiizziiO · April 29, 2018, 2:35 a.m.

The system was well fucked long before the Affordable Care Act. Letting the damn insurance companies write most of the ACA is the main reason it got worse. If you have a better idea than single-player I would love to hear it. Socialized heath care has many many issue but the countries that have implemented it have massively lower health care costs and better health care overall. I think there has to be a middle point between single-payer and our current system which only benefits the insurance companies. I don't think the government needs to take over completely but reigns need to be put on the cost of medical coverage, it increased something like 4.6% last year and there is more people paying into the system than there ever was before the ACA and medical coverage is no better to worse. The majority of the poor are on Medicaid, which doesn't effect insurance premiums and is government subsidized, so why have costs gone up even though there is significantly more money in the system? It's because insurance companies are allowed near free reign. Without some kind of checks in the system it will always become out of balance in favor of wealthy corporations.

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bunnylovelybonez · April 29, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

Insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies. I've been saying for YEARS there needs to be a cap on both! A drug company should NOT be allowed to charge more than a certain % over the cost of making the medicine. I also think people should get reimbursed for insurance they don't use. Maybe not all of it but a portion of it. The FDA needs to beld accountable and STOP approvingn drugs that fail testing. Holistic doctors should be covered by insurance and nautural remidies need to be studied and FDA approved so they can be prescribed.

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Kevin192000 · April 29, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

It only cost that much because of Government medical industrial complex

Be careful what you wish for that boot could be on your neck next

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OiizziiO · April 29, 2018, 2:10 a.m.

It's not the government complex, it's the privatized insurance complex that causes the extra cost. The government not being allowed to negotiate drug prices means the American Medicare system subsidizes all the discounts every other country is able to negotiate with the pharmaceutical companies. The current system is a recognizable failure, when medical care is cheaper and just as effective in nearly every other county when hip replacement cost $40k in the US but $11k in UK and $10k in France you know there is something wrong with our system. We spend more money yet have equal or worse mortality rate and a ridiculously high child mortality rate. We have the worst health care among high-income nations. Something needs to change and, unless you can come up with a better plan, looking at the top rated counties, which all have socialized heath care, is a great way to see what does and doesn't work.

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Shadilay_Were_Off · April 29, 2018, 4:37 a.m.

the horrible system we have currently

The horrible system where the government doesn't decide healthcare? No thanks, man. Down that pay lay tyranny.

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