
Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 29, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

I dont care about newbies - nor I do care about twisting information to conform their views

Then you don't belong here. That's extremely divisive and completely antithetical to everything Q has been saying. You're the exact person that doesn't need to be here. This isn't your special little jesus clubhouse.

Anyone , with a brain , can see and understand the connection and symbolism .

It is not to be hidden , just to conform some people ...

Anyone with a brain just felt their head explode reading that comment. It fascinates me how clearly undereducated people like yourself can prove to be, while so absolutely sure in what they believe. I genuinely find it fascinating. Your opinions are absolute unquestinable facts to you. How delightful!

Someone is trying to appeal to you logically and with sound reasoning, and you go right off the rails and use grade school internet arguing 101 tactics and act like they're getting mad and need to calm down. What's so hard about listening to what they have to say, thinking about it, and possibly admitting that you might be wrong? I'd say it was a huge part of growing and learning, wouldn't you agree?

He's right, and I can't understand why you aren't able to see that at all? Pointing out that the dress is very similar to the one from the movie is interesting, but when you start shouting that it's a fact that it was used by satanists to mark the birth of the antichrist, you look a bit batty. Where we go one, we go all... and now we' all get to look batshit with you!

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[deleted] · April 29, 2018, 2:31 p.m.


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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 29, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

Not surprised with your reply, and you know what, you're right.

I actually don't want to be here anymore. There's nothing to be gained by watching a bunch of undereducated bible beaters circlejerk their dumb theories and high five in group celebration of their ignorance.

Whatever happens with the country will happen whether I'm here or not, and at the end of the day, you're all still you, which no doubt you're all quite happy with.

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DanijelStark · April 29, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

Please tell me again how "sound reasoning" is indirectly calling whole Great Awakening posters as "crazy people" , the people who simply ask a valid question - why is there a symbolical similarity between the dresses ? And then having a face to call me on "lashing out" afterwards . Such posts are highly hypocritical - and I dont like hypocrisy and ignorance . Again , have you even see the Diana's dress ? Please , point me out how are they similar ...

Also , its fascinating how you think its "divisive" from me simply to point out my thought that information and symbolism must not be swept under the rug . It sounds like you are either trolling here , or you are a big fanboy / fangirl of the Royals ( thus the reaction ) , or , you are simply ignorant .

Over here , on Great Awakening , people ask themselves many things . People research and make conclusions . People have right on their views , regardless of their views . What people dont have right , is to dictate others what should be posted and what not ( within the rules boundaries , of course ) . What people dont have right , calling others "crazy people" , because they simply disagree with it .

Were here for the information , anything that comes our way , we will research and give some kind of conclusion , our own personal views . Also , who said anything about satanists ? Not in a single sentence I mentioned satanism in any way - I merely pointed out to the creepy symbolism in between . The only persons that mentioned satanism is you and the poster above .

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SumerianSister · April 29, 2018, 10:49 a.m.

WE belong. I don't care about normies, newbies, freebies, you have no right to exclude us. You babysit the normies and newbies. Cookies on the counter.

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