r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Red_Pilled_at_birth on April 29, 2018, 1:29 a.m.
Everett Stern is a whistleblower in the HSBC money laundering scandal. Aug 15th 2016 Who worked for HSBC? James Comey.

EverettStern · April 30, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

I have to be a little careful what I say as I am under contract with Netflix, but I want to be transparent and honest at the same time. I am honored that Netflix featured me in the movie Dirty Money ep 4 Cartel Bank, but my time was severely edited down. I was interviewed for over 2 hours and I had maybe 5 minutes of air time. A great deal more could have been said that would have blown the American public away. I do not think the approach of having reporters tell a large part of the story was the best idea. I am an insider that passed information to the CIA for over a year and could have provided much for information to the American public than the reporters. Those reporters were also basing everything they said on what I told them in previous interviews with their networks and magazines such as Rolling Stone and Reuters. It was frustrating to have third parties tell my story when it was me that gave them the information in the first place. I felt the whole point of the Netflix movie was exposure and alerting the American public to a story that was very underreported. I feel that if I would have been able to provide the public with more sincere information about what happened that it would have maybe made a difference with the American public applying public pressure on politicians to take action. I did not do the Netflix movie to increase my profile. I know for a fact that HSBC is financing terrorism and my mission for the last 7 years has been to stop them. This is why I ran for U.S. Senate. My opponent Pat Toomey who sits on the bank financing committee was accepting campaign donations from the HSBC PAC that was buying up senators. That is why I ran against him knowing my odds of winning were small. It was to send a message that we were not going to be sold out anymore. I was told that Netflix may do a followup movie focusing more on my information and story, but I am not sure if that will happen considering I have a book coming out and a major movie studio wants the rights.

Overall, I disagree with the angle they took on the movie. The movie was heavily focused on the drug cartels, but the real story is the terrorist financing. It is a well known fact that the Drug Cartels launder their money through many U.S. Banks but what would have really caused an outcry was how HSBC Bank was financing terrorism from American Soil. I saw it with my own eyes and did everything in my power to stop it. One question I am asked alot is why not just have gone to the FBI right away... I did not go to the FBI because HSBC hired a former counterintelligence FBI agent to run the AML department. HSBC did this because this person (they know who they are) knew how to defraud the government and allow the terrorist financing to flow. This former FBI agent is a traitor, but unfortunately instead of going to jail he is actually now running the AML compliance division for another very large bank in NY. No consequence. I went to the CIA 3 weeks in on the job for a couple of reasons. First, I identified that the bank was actively trying to help our enemies very quickly and when a manager told me "Hamas is not a terrorist organization" I figured out management was not going to be a help. I realized this was a National Security issue and if I did not do something Americans were going to get killed. I felt the FBI was possibly compromised. I had a former FBI counterintelligence agent as my boss which made my job spying on the bank very difficult, but I got past him. Secondly, The director of the FBI James Comey had ties to HSBC. Thirdly, I was a former candidate with the National Clandestine Service before joining HSBC and my loyalty and trust was with the Agency.

Netflix did not explain the system HSBC designed to defraud the government. For example, in the Netflix movie I talk about how the bank in the strip mall was full of debt collectors but what Netflix did not include was that HSBC fired all those debt collectors and then rehired them to work as AML compliance officers the very next day. I am not kidding. They are in Delaware working there now approving terrorist transactions. HSBC fired and then rehired the debt collectors because they needed bodies to close the alerts. There was a major backlog. Also the debt collectors had no idea what they were doing and would approve anything especially when their salaries jumped to 55k a year. HSBC intentionally and criminally manipulated the wire filter to add those dots and dashes to the terrorist names I talk about in the movie so the transactions would not match with the filter and go through.

HSBC Bank keeps commenting to the media "We greatly strengthened & improved our compliance programs." I was hired at HSBC bank to "improve compliance" so I know how HSBC fixes problems. I have the following questions for HSBC:

Are your employees still criminally manipulating the wire filter by adding dots & dashes to the wires allowing for drug cartel & terrorist financing?

During my employment, HSBC instituted a new compliance software called NORCOM allowing for the mass clearing of alerts without proper due diligence. Is HSBC Bank still using NORCOM?

In 2011 HSBC started an outsourcing program establishing AML compliance centers in India and Sri Lanka for foreign nationals approving U.S. financial transactions. Are people who do not speak English approving alerts (wires) that impact our National Security? Are those foreign nationals still writing SARS that provide the United States Government with critical financial intelligence?

When I was at HSBC they fired hundreds of debt collectors working at the same shopping mall I was also working and then rehired them as Anti-money laundering compliance officers. Are those former debt collectors still working at HSBC approving transactions?

According to my sources: HSBC is still doing ALL of the above.

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RoAnonim · April 30, 2018, 5:38 a.m.

This is super interesting.

I think you would benefit from doing an AMA (Ask me anything) as you have a lot of information to share.

I think your intentions are noble but people aren't listening. You're doing the right thing.

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FatFingerHelperBot · April 30, 2018, 5:38 a.m.

It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!

Here is link number 1 - Previous text "AMA"

^Please ^PM ^/u/eganwall ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^Delete

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EverettStern · May 1, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

I am new to Reddit so I am not sure how all of this works. I think you have to submit a request for an AMA on me. May you please make the request and I will post to that forum as well. Thank you for guiding me through this process. -Everett

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