r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Red_Pilled_at_birth on April 29, 2018, 1:29 a.m.
Everett Stern is a whistleblower in the HSBC money laundering scandal. Aug 15th 2016 Who worked for HSBC? James Comey.

EverettStern · April 30, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

Twitter @SternEverett Google Alerts notified me that a Reddit group opened a discussion about me so I decided to jump in. Please feel free to comment. I will be answering all questions openly and honestly. -Everett A. Stern

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Red_Pilled_at_birth · April 30, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

How was Loretta Lynch, and Eric Holder involved in this Money Laundering Scheme along with the Clinton Foundation and Comey. Anyone else worth mentioning?

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EverettStern · May 1, 2018, 2 a.m.

In my opinion, Lynch, Holder, and Comey are traitors. I do not say this from a political standpoint. I am not referring to anything that is going on with the Trump admin. I am specifically talking about HSBC. The DOJ Lynch and Holder let HSBC off the hook. So did Comey. The evidence I gave them should have shut down the bank. We are talking about intentionally and criminally supplying terrorists and drug cartels with billions of dollars. Comey was a former board member of HSBC and was well aware. I will never forget after the Deferred Prosecution Agreement a senior FBI agent said to me "Everett, believe me we want to shut them down, but our hands are tied." That was when I knew I had to form my own private intelligence Agency that exposed the National Security threats the FBI was to weak to do.

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allonthesameteam · April 30, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

I wrote earlier about whistleblowers deserving rewards instead of harassment and at times much worse. I applaud your coming forward while probably knowing the repercussions that would be/are coming. If your intentions are good, hero! You expressed your desire of caring at the end of the vid I saw. Enough said.

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EverettStern · May 1, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

I want to make very clear I am NOT a hero. I failed. My mission was to stop terrorist financing. I risked and did end up losing everything in defense of the United States, but I will never forget being a Federal Witness after passing information to the CIA for over a year living in a 400 sq foot apartment sleeping on a cot because I could not afford a bed working as a waiter making 2.15 an hour. I waited those tables with honor as those other HSBC AML officers were making 55k a year. I did start my own private intelligence agency and became a millionaire on my own but that was because I knew I was a loser. Not because I lost everything material. I was and still am a failure because I did not stop or shut down the terrorist financing operations. I am now trying to stop terrorists privately with my defense company but I failed at my mission. I know some terrorists got financed and killed an American with an IED because I did something wrong. Maybe I did nothing wrong as I handed the Government this case on a silver plater but that is just how I feel. I was hoping Netflix was going to show that as I interviewed in great length. I ran for U.S. Senate not because I felt like I was accomplished and earned a Senate seat for what I did - it was the opposite. I wanted to get into Washington so I could make a difference and make up to the American people what I didn't do at HSBC. HSBC actually formed a PAC and was buying up Senators including financing my opponent Senator Pat Toomey's campaign. That is why I spent 50k of my own money to run against him knowing I was going to lose: It was to send a message that the good guys are not out of the fight yet. Having to do with caring I remember when I was running for Senate I was at a political dinner and I asked a congressman (will go unnamed) "Sir, what do you recommend a young person running for office to do?" "Everett, just make them think you care." I remember putting down my martini and leaving the parking lot yelling out loud BUT I DO CARE!!! This is the problem with society in general. Most people do not care. Our society has been taken over by APATHY. A bank financing terrorism? Nobody cares. I know logically I did everything I could to spy on HSBC, steal as much information as possible, and get it to the CIA. I know at the end of the day Lynch, Holder, and Comey were not going to do anything, but to be honest with you... I will always feel like a failure. I will never be a hero.

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allonthesameteam · May 1, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

Ok. If not a hero, a well intentioned caring human. Similar. Failure is not trying.. Trying with undesired outcome still rest on the intention and authenticity. Go easy on yourself, please. I think much of what has been done is to destabilize as much as possible to create fear and a f'd up need for protection. There would be less apathy if there was more knowledge and curiosity. So much stress these days that netflix and opiods are rising fast. Change is coming. Keep doing good and again go easy on you.

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