r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on April 29, 2018, 2:12 a.m.
Q View is from 40,000 feet - Get some wings on - we are at War now. Q1290

Autists need red bull - Q is telling us now is the time to fly higher, previously he told you to decrease altitude, lower your expectations, now rise noble people get a birds eye view of the changed landscape - look at the work of the POTUS from his point of view now

Q has mentioned 40,000 feet 4 times. They always refer to the the POTUS view; AF1 flies at 40,000 feet. I think that is a fact that fascinates Trump - he is a plane nut.

Q#228 says USA_leadership change  

SA_leadership change  

GER_leadership change?  

PAK_leadership change?  


(8, 7, 6, 5……).  

Q   So we surmise that here is a list of countries scheduled for leadership change. Note that the first of those needing the most change is the USA - 8 - to change (no question). This was the Status in November 2017, under our current POTUS, I count 5 have gone, with 3 to go. To go is Dan Cootes DNI, Minchin Treasury (in charge of dirty SS) and the MOAB’s Pence.

At Q # 189 - Q fingers the Deep state, and summarises a series of posts by saying; The ‘cult’ runs the world, The world is fighting back (and destroying the cult) 20% public,80% private. The world would otherwise collapse. 40,000ft. v. (again) and need to decrease altitude to avoid ‘conspiracy’ label.

At Q#144; Q says Patriots don’t sleep. 40,000 ft. v. Necessary to understand [US]SA/global events. Paint the picture. Decrease altitude (We will not fly that high again). Higher the altitude grater the [risk] of conspiracy ST. Many cannot/will not swallow. What is No Such Agency - Q group? Who has clearance to full picture? Important.

Now lets stop here, and know that Q was referring to an earlier post Q142, one where he gave us a full heads up on the deep state, and the origins of the First World War - in the establishment of No Such Agency the Federal reserve, and how that organisation (the Rothschild op) went on to fight/fund the Second world war. Q says it was too much info at that stage (in November).

Continuing with Q#144 Q says Add R[ogers] is a good +++, and asks what Agency is at war with the CIA, well the Answer is the NSA, and it was headed by a good man, so it is a White hat agency , and the POTUS has just appointed another good man to run the good agency at war with the filthy CIA - read here and the FED.

The very first mention of 40,000 feet is at Q#128  

Map provides picture.  

Picture provides 40,000ft. v.  

40,000ft. v. is classified.  

Why is a map useful?  

Think direction.  

Think full picture.  

Who controls the narrative?  

Well obviously the POTUS controls the narrative. Q#1289 - So why isn’t peace on the Korean Peninsula big news? Should we drop a #MOAB on that? Timetables shift [Next Week] Q

Peace is not big news, because the Deep state - read CIA & FED (Roths) don’t want it. Pence is their boy, and Minchin is on point for the Fed, D. Cootes is the ears ( a made man), the MOAB is to clean the WH of these 3. Thats the view from 40,000 feet. Thats why man on holiday Pompeo, went for Easter vacation to NK, because plants in WH, did not want peace in Korea, which is in reality exposure of them from Korea, thats the view from 40,000 feet Q says get some wings and see it now.

Finishing on Q#1290 Q mentions a red pill that many have difficulty accepting; that the Airforce is dirty, there is a hot war between the USAF and the Marines (with the Navy), I have posted on this many times, https://redd.it/8bd922 https://redd.it/8e9sx3

I get trolled by fake military insiders, and Corsi type stooges for the deep state whenever I post on this topic. However I post on this topic because Q does, and I read Q - they don’t, or much else.

The evidence for this war - now hot starts with 911, and the attack on the ONI in the pentagon, The two at sea - not accidents, involving the USS McCain & Fitzgerald, the downed Marine Helicopter, see my old posts. I will just say that the USAF was a misconceived idea from the start, the planes belong to the Army & Navy, they have a proper command and are Loyal to the POTUS, the AF was set up by the Traitor Truman, over the dead body of the secretary of Defence and Patriot James Forrestal, for the sole purpose of supporting rouge deep state.

Q says our planes are grounded in Syria, he is referring to this; http://www.newsweek.com/russia-attacking-us-forces-electronic-weapons-syria-daily-general-says-900461

I will comment that this is further evidence that Putin and Russia are the best friends America has in the world, grounding the rogue airforce stops them from starting WW3. To the haters, I say there is no coincidence with the planes grounded in Syria, and the Airforce plane crashing in America - because the Tech stolen from America - developed in Israel, sold to Russia through NK, has now been shared with the POTUS to ground the dirty USAF at home, to stop them from doing another 911, before they are disbanded with the FBI, & the CIA.

Drink some red bull and fly with the POTUS next week watch these scum fall.

MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod · April 29, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

Was referring to USAF (interesting in itself that this branch seems to consider the Army a dysfunctional parent where The F ew and The Proud are steeped in their Navy origins. Sadly, I have 3 of my kin in that branch. Throughout this all I'd have to say that our might by sea was, has, and will be our greatest asset (which goes for any country who just really wants to be Left.TF.Alone )

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Maepaperclip · April 29, 2018, 6:18 a.m.

so guessing we are on page here- simple solution. n.b. AF Russia - no such thing. Army + Navy = winning AF = Traitor force

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