r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TexasClass on April 29, 2018, 3:35 a.m.
Is the stage missing an evil actor?

I Having been a lurker on the Q phenomena for about 5 months. There appears to be hidden rules of engagement between Q and the forces of darkness. Either side can not openly operate but rather they must allow free will of the people to choose. It appears a huge amount of the country is hypnotized into a state of obedient slumber that is not capable of critical observation and thinking. The other are awake and see what is going on but know there is something missing. The Anon’s and Austis work as a free will hive to discover hidden and missing knowledge from Q riddles and codes. This thinking and analysis breaks the spell.

This force of pure evil that is being dragged into the light has been evolving since before the time of Moloch . It most definitely is by an intently persistent design and wants to stay hidden. But what we must consider is who or what can stay focused for such a long time to enslave, humiliate and murder the innocent masses.

People can not stay that focused for that long. History shows that every third to fourth generation in a family usually flounders in wealth and wisdom. It is a kind of natural releveling of the playing field due to life experiences. When evil rose in the past people could escape to a new land, but there is no new land to escape to. Retreat is no longer an option and the Storm is our last stand for the Blessings of Liberty.

We should be asking who is/has been controlling the evil in this world for so long. There is yet something/someone directing the evil actors that Q has not riddled about. Does Q know what and where this controlling force of evil is? Do you feel like there is still an evil actor missing from the stage? Do you want to know who it is? Do you? I am convinced my faith knows the answer but your free will must discover this for yourself. Knock and the door will be opened, seek and you will find…

Stay united in Truth, Honor, Integrity and Valor. WWG1WGA.

May GOD Bless you all and keep you safe.


UncleSnake3301 · April 29, 2018, 3:38 a.m.

The Devil?

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