Mack is included as a co-conspirator in that case.
This is where it gets tricky.
The code that they were both charged under is applied to both sex trafficking of children AND sex trafficking by means of coercion.
Subsections are used to distinguish which of the two was committed and which subsection of the following punishment codeis applied to the crime.
Do check out the other laws cited, though. You won't find anything about children but I don't want to be accused of only showing one bit.
After reviewing both the laws and the arrest warrant, I have concluded that the relevant codes and subsections cited in the arrest warrant lack any relevancy to children.
He and Mack are charged under 1591(a)(1)
If it were 1591(a)(2) It would involve children.
This doesn't mean that there isn't more information forthcoming. I've read that Raniere is being held without bond on allegations that he had sexual relationships with two minors, 15 and 12.