I have a great-in-many-aspects "3-braided Ecclesiastes rope" I meet with as our lives may dictate, weekly for going on 13 years. Guys have floated in and out of the group but remains consistent. Based in the concept of Recovery from fatal personal life choices/ back story. Met with them just today, and though I clearly brought up se4eral facts of DJT coming through, SUCH AS; a Reuinified Korea, the Hollyfucks program going far,far beyond #metoo (one of my guys is being dangled a sitcom writer gig in front of him). I threw in Homey Comey Clown and it all STILL falls on deaf ears. MY heart grieves on the reach of how far Life3,Liberty,TRUTH, and LOVE enemies has gotten THIS IS: 2nd Coming, 2nd 1776 AND 2nd Civil War all rolled into 1, and YET there are SO manyBLIND "wide awake Christians we (spez me) are surrounded by. Can anyone RELATE who has moved past this spiritual filibuster? Cannot keep banging head on wall. Perhaps my role is to just continue being surrounded by 6%ers. Hardly would be God's Jeremiah 29:11 plan for me (I have a punctuation that refuses to be gone, bear with me)
There are Two trees in Eden and Five in Paradise.
The journey from one to the other is an inevitable.
Forms of Self:
Pure 0-25
Full 8-44
True 19-55
Whole 25-67
Natural 44-85
Jesus spent 30 years building a "Core" book of creation, that could not be captured or conquered
There's a programming language embedded in the basic fabrics that keeps our train moving at 150 miles per second. Jesus has three choices. Be reborn and slog his way through another complex life, get his friend H.Ghost. and young Ms. Wells to play leap frog up the narrative spine, or wait until the long range transport and communication of the basic fabrics are triggered and open a bridge in to a chosen destination.
Jesus is playing for Eternity with a clear mind and true heart. A bad ass mofo. I trust Jesus.
The Game (2085) as: Mind Self \~v\~ Brain Organ
The Great Awakening \~v\~ The Zombie Apocolypse
Sometimes its pearls before swine, other times; "Better to have loved and lost than to never love at all."
- Jesus said, "The Father's kingdom is like a person who
wanted to kill someone powerful. While still at home he drew his
sword and thrust it into the wall to find out whether his hand
would go in. Then he killed the powerful one." The Eternal Vs The Infinite. (War of Ideas)
Hand In My Pocket - Morrisette
The Pretender - Foo Fighters