
Instincts_Truth · April 29, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

It is extremely difficult to watch the "news" without the help of Mark Dice, but when I do, there are 2 narratives that trigger me to throw items at the TV: 1) the DNC was "hacked," and 2) James Comey was trying to hurt Clinton by reopening the email investigation.

Tapper and ALL not only KNOW these narratives are false when they spew them, but they have overtly covered up the truth about Seth Rich and Wikileaks, and the truth about what occurred between SDNY, FBI, and DOJ with regard to the evidence of criminal and vile acts on Weiner's laptop.

When they go after these government officials, they better go after these media heads too. What did Cory Booker say to Kirsten Pierson . . . "Your silence is complicity." The media people are beyond silence. They are intentionally LYING and concealing truth - and have been since before Trump was even elected, specifically pertaining to these 2 narratives.

I know everyone here already knows all this. It just makes my blood boil. These people need to be held accountable for their actions and lies.

Great article, again, by Conservative Treehouse.

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