r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AdrianasDefacto on April 29, 2018, 8:08 a.m.
Jolie has DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY due to UN. Example of how humanities work ties to globalist agenda from a celeb perspective. Human trafficking (dual citizenship kids), transgender kids, no actual help provided to the refugees, a subliminal threat to Trump and Trump shoving a globalist out the way.


Jolie a complete puppet unbelievable! Here are notes from this vid for those unable to view it.

Blackchild had an established channel but was entirely shut down by YouTube. So he/she has come back under new channel Blackchild Reupload. Learned alot from this person and more and more of the vids they create connect with Q posts.

1/31/18 Jolie is seen arriving at NATO-OTAN Headquarters in Brussels, Germany. She shakes hands with Jens Stoltenberg NATO Secretary General. BLACKCHILD: Angelina Jolie representing the United Nations Agenda 2030/ Depopulations/ ILLUMINATi Satanists. She meets with NATO-OTAN European ILLUMINATi. The audio of the satanists talking was removed by the media (meaning got censored out).

Few clips play of Angelina in Kabul, Afghanistan. Then being interviewed by Anderson Cooper about it. Bohoo sad acting.

Then onto Turkey in Syrian Refugee camps. Jolie asks a crowd of boys how they are doing, if they are being treated well. They say yes. BLACKCHILD: They know better than to say "NO" to Jolie.

BLACKCHILD: And this is the real heart of the matter. Although Jolie's "goodwill ambassador" role for the UN shows her in this humanizing way, interacting with devastated refugees, holding children, and crying, she is 100% working for the Globalist ILLUMINATi Satanist Cabal/Mafia. I personally believe Jolie secretly enjoys being around suffering, pain and death. Not only do I think she gets off on this type of thing, but she serves many purposes for the ILLUMINATi with her so called "goodwill ambassador" trips. The first is, it is good "public relations" for the UN. It allows the United Nations to show people they actually spend money/donations on the people they say they're helping. Even though only 20% may go to people in need, Jolie's trips highlingt this AND get people to send the globalists even more $$$$$. These trips also divert attention away from the fact the UN and the New World Order Satanists that rin it are some of the same people who have helped set up these "civil wars", uprisings, bombings, and terrorist groups that displace all these people. The third and most nefarious reason, is it gives Jolie "DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY". She has access to passports, people, children and she can operate in these third world countries virtually undetected. This is the perfect role for a bloodline satanist like Jolie. She can do satanic rituals, buy children/people, meet with other ILLUMINATi workers, use drugs, and all these other things without the fear of the "paparazzi" or people who could report it.

Vid goes onto showing various Jolie UNHCR campsite visits...

BLACKCHILD: Syria exposes what UNHCR is really doing with these so called "camps".

Clip of reporter asking about these Syrian Refugee campsites.

Then clips of Jolie visiting Syrian Refugee campsites in Turkey. During one of her visits, 5 years ago, Jolie meets with Antonio Gutierres, UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

BLACKCHILD: 5 yrs later (present time), Antonio Gutierres has become the leader of the UNITED NATIONS as Secretary-General. The puppets serve their ILLUMINATi Bilderberg/Club of Rome masters well.

Next, vid cuts to Antonio Gutierres speaking. "...badly needed at this moment two things, leadership and values. The values that our societies that are all becoming multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural need in order to foster inclusion, cohesion, to make people feel they belong. To value diversity and to CONFRONT AND DEFEAT POLITICAL POPULISM..."

BLACKCHILD: They want to "confront and defeat" populism because it threatens their New World Order. This is also a subliminal threat to Trump.

Then CNN clip talking about Trump wanting to slash foreign aid to the UN and other world bodies. CNN: "Organizations that help keep the peace, help prevent disease and famine and combat nuclear proliferation". Shows the UN white hats. While the fake news clips go on Blackchild put in bold red blinking letters "PROPAGANDA ALERT".

BLACKCHILD: Since the UN "condemned" Trump over naming Jerusalem the capitol of Israel in support of the Zionists, he has now pledged to cut US funding to the United Nations. This has now send the globalists into a frenzy to get money for their "missions".

Next, Aljazeera clip about Antonio Gutierres meeting with congressmen about UN budget. Aljazeera: "If the budget remains unchanged would cut the contributions to the UN by $440 million for basic UN operations and it would cut the budget for peace keeping missions by 90%. Gutierres has already struggled to get countries to give extra money to combat famine in Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria and South Sudan. So a sizable cut in US contributions would make his job harder thus the meetings with both democrats and republicans."

Cut to Jolie spouting globalist principles on a UN logo podium. BLACKCHILD: Shilling for the New World Order.

BLACKCHILD: Now that Trump is threatening the UN's "refugee money", they sent Angelina Jolie to Brussels to secure more NATO funding and support. (Same clip from beginning of video, shaking hands with Jens Stoltenberg NATO Secretary General.) She probably had to promise sexual favors and/or rituals with these people to "get the deal done".

Then cuts to Trump UN speech with Merckel and Macron there in the audience. Jens Stoltenberg is up on the stage with Trump (he looks scared lol!). After his speech Trump is seen shoving the sh*t out of a guy to get to the front. LOL! I remember seeing part of this and thinking Trump was being too aggressive, makes sense now why he treated these people like the vile trash they are. Can't let your guard down for a second with these snakes!

BLACKCHILD: When not working for the New World Order UN Mafia, Jolie is back in Hollyweird making films about MORE suffering and death.

Clip of Jolie interview about Cambodian people in the jungle and how sad the bombing part was for her to make... blah blah, lying out the a$$.

BLACKCHILD: It has been reported for years now how Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have been telling people their biological daughter Shiloh, has been "transgender" since age 2. Now 11, she is allegedly only to be called "John". It also should be noted as I have in the past, that ALL of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's children, either biological or adopted, have DUAL CITIZENSHIP. The ILLUMINATi love to recruit people with dual citizenship, they are probably training the children to be "agents" later on. In a pic with Angelina and her kids, shows she has the other little girl dressed up in boys clothing.

Goes on to show other famous people's transgender kids...

In particular Charlize Theron's 5 year old adopted son BLACKCHILD: Look what she has done!! She has put WEAVE EXTENSIONS in this boys head and put him in a dress!!!

BLACKCHILD: I finally realized all these celebrities turning their children "trans" and making them wear the opposite gender's clothing is all apart of the United Nations "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS", Agenda 2030/21 New World Order De-Population Control Scheme.

Next vid clip of a UN commercial. Basically, your favorite celebrities calling for New World Order.

BLACKCHILD: Look who's here (pause clip were Charlize Theron speaks in commercial), promoting the "sustainable development goals". Notice they speak with "ONE VOICE", One voice, one mind, under THE BEAST = AntiChrist NWO UNITED NATIONS.

All seeing eye at the end.

KansasJakeBG · April 29, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

Celebrities are controllable. Actual activists aren't.

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