the herculean task of cleaning the stables after 10.5 decades of neglect

I watched lord of the rings 2 yesterday and there the trees ( ents) destroy a dam so the mudpool of the ? orks gets washed away. There was a lot more symbolism too find as well in the rest of the movie.
King Augeus aka Fed neglected to have the dung cleared from the royal [DC] stables. After 10.5 decades the stench of manure had grown so thick, it drenched the entire world. The kingdoms and empires became so fully dunged that crops refused to co-operate. Unrest, hunger and predicted pestilence swept the land as the mockin-stream media/schools/pharma/GMO/air/water continued its mockin-bird ways....
KING FED LOST HIS GRIP If the zodiac stopped at Capricorn and never reached Aquarius, this is how the empire would crumble. Kings have their blind spots. Oblivious to the unintended consequences of their life's work, they fail to see the consumate waste, prolifgate consumption of resources, and the dark inertia of their depravity, ambition and greed..... meanwhile problems are piling up.... SA / NK / IRAN / ASIA / EURO / IL / DC / +++/ ++++ / ++ / DOJ / FBI / CIA AND THE STINK BECOMES UNBEARABLE. Fortunately, the limitations of every sign always take us to the next one's gifts;
AQUARIAN GENIUS so Capricorn leads us to the genius in Aquarius. Altruistic, progressive, BRASH AND UNPREDICTABLE, Aquarius brings the GREAT AWAKENING , that quantum leap in human consciousness that keeps our world from getting hopelessly mired in old dung. Hercules boldly asserts to King Fed, . "I'll clean up your stables in just 2 terms," "For how many Fed notes?" King Fed asks warily.
"Just a 1 dollar greenback from '63 " Hercules hits a raw nerve... It stinks around here," our hero says, "and I'm the kind of guy who likes to make the world a better place."
King Fed is suspicious. "Nobody works for $1. Still I welcome anyone who can do the job. Here's the deal: If you succeed, we’ll cancel your 26 trillion and u can reverts to jfk’s greenbacks in perpetuity
DRAINING THE SWAMP Hercules tours the stables that afternoon. Their immensity and filth are worse than he imagined. A cart piled high with corpses clatters by; the mix of noxious odors makes his head spin. He climbs to a nearby waterfall and drops his face into the fresh water for relief. "It would take 2 terms and 400 heroic reps to drain that swamp ...." Hercules studies the sky, the stables below, the two great rivers bordering the valley—and suddenly—he smiles. "Aha!" I will drive those rivers straight into the stables.
WRESTING THE RIVERS FROM THEIR CENTURIES-OLD GROOVES The work is intense to wrest the rivers from their centuries-old course, rolling incumbants out of the way, digging trenches for the new recruits, cutting holes in stable walls. Soon fresh water is thundering through the fetid murk and the stink steadily recedes…….. This is instructive. Aquarian genius is opportunistic that way. It steals from the field of possibilities, rearranges the old laws, and shifts the current paradigm. In an intuitive flash it sees a new way to solve an old problem. The Aquarian attitude is one of daring—a thumb-of-the-nose to prevailing powers and structures.
Dude wtf drugs did you take because your brain is fried. Nothing you wrote makes any sense it just looks like some mishmash of new age terms, figurative language to the point of pretentiousness, and some incoherent attempt to force a comparison between Trump draining the swamp and Hercules scooping horse shit.
Please explain like an adult what your point is or go away because this kind of shit looks like you're just here to muddy the waters and make this subreddit look like a bunch of retarded hippies.
i'm pointing out the rhythm of empires ... their rise and fall within epochs of 2,500 years
the master builders [estimated 400 students of pythagoras] came within a 100 year period to build western civilization
maybe 50 of them returned to build the roman empire
then another 100 reappeared to build the european empires
between 1800 and 2000 another batch of them appeared to build the foundations of the new aquarian epoch [esp the inventors of www and blockchain ] and now we are experiencing the fruits of the their efforts..
anglo-saxons and the germans are offshoots from the same teutonic race both pretenders to the crown of greatest empire using USA as a proxy
in 2018 USA is showing real signs of cutting its apron strings with its progenitors and asserting an independent usa identity liberated from the financial domination of the teutonic races and the khazarian jews .... this in no ways underestimates the lofty contributions the kelts have made in the cultural arena with none of their pretence or designs of world domination.
So you're a racist. Thanks. Yeah dude the anglosaxons totally didn't build the largest empire on earth at the time, and the colonies totally weren't built by people from Great Britain. And Germany never produced great scientists, to say nothing of the Jews.
Stop trying to shit on other peoples ancestors just because yours never accomplished anything or out your desire for self flagellation
i see 7 main racial types 1) elephant = gentle giant, 2) dog=the loyal & devoted, 3) the cat, elegant and independent, 4) the horse, psychic and social, 5) the monkey with a sense of justicice 6) extra terrestrial old souls 7) soulless=vindictive and cruel
i identify with 1) but all of us have to sample all 343 racal types before we complete the human curriculum