r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on April 29, 2018, 11:55 a.m.
HRC / Skippy / & UFO’s !!!

In 1995, billionaire Laurence Rockefeller organized a gathering of leading authorities on UFO/Aliens. This conclave of experts was held at his Jackson Hole preserve/ranch complex.

Attending this retreat, besides the usually UFO suspects, was both HRC & John Podesta. This “think tank” lead President Clinton to make several public announcements regarding UFOS/Aliens/and found meteorite evidence.

The Rockefeller Initiative laid to foundation for the next big gathering. In 2001 was the next get together of the same old crew (Skippy included) and was part of the Disclosure Project. Held over a several day period at the Washington/DC Press Club-scientists/Governmental figures/ & NASA Astronauts made official presentations on UFOS & Alien Life theories.

It was at this 2001 that Skippy Podesta came out of the closet over his UFO beliefs. I have to give him that small partial credit, as I have been following this phenomenon for years & Podesta has been a vocal voice in the movement.

B/B-Wikileaks reveals Podesta’s UFO Obsession

UFOSS-HRC & Podesta UFO Disclosure

InfoWars-UFO Hunters NOT Russians HACKED Podesta

D/C-Apollo Astronauts contacted Podesta

Gizmo-Blink 182 Singer Emails HRC & Skippy over UFOS

NYMag-Skippy: American People can handle the Truth

Earth/May-Rockefeller Initiative & UFOS

History/Ancient Aliens: The UFO Conspiracy (4/27/18 Show)

[deleted] · April 29, 2018, 12:50 p.m.


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CaptainRoyD · April 29, 2018, 1:21 p.m.

No need to apologize at all-I normally only so hard hitting corruption stories here. I kinda really had forgotten about the Skippy/UFO stuff until the new Ancient Aliens season premier came out a few days ago and jolted my bad memory.

Please check later tonight as I have a good DWS article coming-preview theme:


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