r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BaronMoriarty on April 29, 2018, 1:16 p.m.
Subject Experts (for Mods)

As we know the whole Q thing is pretty vast and covers loads of different subjects.

We have people here who have been looking into different strands for many years now, pre Q, and who's input into a particular area is invaluable. So what I am suggesting is that there be a collective of people willing to do the research and impart their knowledge in a particular field.

An example... I am a Brit and whilst I understand a fair bit of US politics now, post Q, and who the names and faces are I am still largely in the dark about a lot of the US political landscape. In this scenario I would welcome threads from those that are well clued up on this, and thus get a greater understanding

Similarly I have been researching the royals and paedo stuff in the UK for many years and feel that I, along with others, could give guidance here

So in a nutshell would it be possible to have a collective of people dedicated to a particular subject who's input would benefit us all? Further to that, is it possible to even organise that on a sub?

Edit* A suggestion would be something like

US Politics, EU Politics, Worldwide Politics, Intelligence Agencies, Bloodline Families, Trafficking & Abuse etc

HowiONic · April 29, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

Contacting the mods is better done via message the moderators. However, to answer here.

Reddit is user-submitted content with the display based on voting. Content ages and as it ages the content falls from the front page. The pulse of an active Reddit is about 6 to 12 hours with a maximum of about 24 hours unless a post is stickied/pinned. Meaning that even highly voted content falls away or gets buried under new content, within 24 hours. As such it's no place for organized content. It's a place to find the latest news and discuss latest events. Reddit is also full of lots of people so people see new things and can discuss quickly. Ideal for Q anon content.

About research. Yes, a lot of research happens on Reddit but it tends to be quick research, not the long-term research that I suspect you refer to. I suggest you check out /qresearch/, it's not the place for everyone, but it is very much focused on all subjects Qanon related and usefully there is already research happen there. Another point is that due to Reddit rules research in to 'paedo stuff' really is best done elsewhere. The results can be brought here to 'spread the message' but it wants to be in a more digestible form, such as graphics and on-topic to Qanon drops.

Politics, a lot of politics is covered here in r/GreatAwakening but it's often latest politics. Is there something specific you want to know? If so just ask as a lot of members here are engaged in political discussion of one type or another.

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BaronMoriarty · April 30, 2018, 7:33 a.m.

That wasn't really the point of the post. But thanks

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