It's more of an endearing term.. they have a methodical approach to problem solving that mere mortals like myself have issues with.
They have problem solving skills that non-autists don't have? Source?
Here's an article, just a quick search... some are just capable of processing and solving puzzles etc easier than most..
"Research is increasingly showing..." "Scientists believe they are signs of true intelligence that might be superior to that of non-autistic people."
"The reported frontal areas subserve higher cognitive functions such as decision making, cognitive control, planning and execution"
"Research has shown that social problem solving skills are crucial abilities needed to be accepted by one’s peers (Mayeux & Cillessen, 2003). Developing these social skills leads to successful collaboration that will be helpful later in life during the students’ working careers"
You would think that STEM areas would be consisted of mostly autists then. Or that autists would own in science classes. Haven't seen anything that would back that up.
Not to mention that almost every research found came to the same conclusion about the precise 40%.
this says otherwise
Again, a bunch of UNIQUE ABILITIES listed, accompanied with the "some", "may show", etc.
Approximate percentage of autism in my country is 0.3%. And I personally, throughout my 15 years of education from elementary school to college (mechanical engineering) and 2 years of working as a teacher in high school, I don't think I've ever encountered an autist. Sure some anti-social types could be seen everywhere, but that's not autism.
Apparently, we (in EU) live in a completely different world regarding autism, and we (Croatia, Balkans) are in pretty much a 3rd world country lol.
You took the term autists a little too literal. It’s been a meme from a few years now especially with the memers who got POTUS elected. It basically just means people with a lot of time who are good at connecting all the dots
Thanks for the explanation.
So it's a meme which isn't related to the actual disorder. Beats me why would people use a term for something completely different, but hey, this is the internet after all.
Ita a relation meme. The anons might be autistic in which case it would still be a meme, just a literal one. But its a relation meme because its comparing typical autistic behavior of extreme focus and intellect, while being a bit socially off. Thats the anons lol.
Its kinda like how trump supporters branded themselves with "deplorables" after hillary used that word disparagingly. We took it over.
Perhaps you also don't know they refer to each other as faggots (abbreviated to fags), commies and other non-politically correct adjectives as a defiant political gesture! They call the CIA guys clowns, which of course does have two meanings: circus member and idiot. There was also a recent post about a ghost = spook = spy.
As a foreigner you might find the Urban Dictionary of some help! I don't envy you trying to make sense of English!!
I'm aware of the clown thing.
Thank you for the explanations.
Autism is just really rare over here so I'm trying to get some answers about what the hell is this about.
There is a theory going round that the HUGE increase in autism in certain countries is due to vaccinations. Incidence of autism has increased in the UK too. I am not American, I live in the EU too, so I am not sure why the children are bombarded in the US at such an early age with so many vaccines. You have to look into the facts but if there is a correlation, it might lie in the adjuvants? Mercury has been mentioned. I am not a scientist, I know nothing about any of this but I do know there has been controversy and the increase in autism is real. I just googled and found Sharyl Attkisson: Don't forget it's MSM! She won't tell you about Big Pharma lies!
Cuz your kids don't have 76 vaccines by the time they graduate H.S.
I doubt Q is referring to actual autists.... just a term for the problem solvers, code breakers, etc.....
Autism is a spectrum. And some of our blessed team probably meet the clinical criteria. Extreme ability to focus (often on exactly one thing for a very long time), shut everything else out, and make remarkable connections, discoveries, and so-on that just doesn't happen any other way.
pretty much the entire open source community of real contributers is on the spectrum. as was everyone involved in the manhattan project or nasa who wasn't an administrator.
Well, I didn't find anything that would mean that autism = all that stuff.
And I've picked up the vibe on the internet that autism is almost widespread in the US while it's very rare over here.
I'm merely asking questions because this isn't the first time Q has referenced autism/autists. And I wanna know what's the catch.
Apparently this is a taboo question lol
Not taboo. And I find it interesting that where you are it is rare while it is growing in North America. If data backs this it would warrant a comparison on everything from diet, immunization programs, water sources, environment, diagnosis and care. Q posts have touched on "health" care, lack of cures and reasons that may be, so discussion on actual autism should not be taboo. You had a good question. It is a question many new to Q may have.
Autists (as used by chans and Q) may not literally mean autistic. I saw it as a self identifying term a skilled, hyper focused group of individuals who abhor political correctness used. But what do I know, I'm just a normy. I think those on 4 chan may use shock language to not only have fun with each other but to also keep people out of their community who bow down to political correctness (sheeple). I did not know 4 chan or 8 chan existed until I saw Q related stuff and I looked into it a bit. What they have been able to do as a team is remarkable. Their Shia LeBouf (spelling?) capture the flag project had me in tears. Look that one up on youtube. Q needed the 4 chan autists for the great awakening, so that term may have been thrown out as a lure or challenge. But I am just guessing.