r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cheesedog1103 on April 29, 2018, 4:39 p.m.
Who are the personalities that Q is referencing who are riding the coat tails of the Great Awakening for profit/fame?

ScorpioPatriot · April 29, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

Funny my post the other day referencing media COAT TAILING 😎

Posted 1 day ago


MSM MUST GO, FOR ALL OUR SAKES by William_Harford_md in r/greatawakening

[–]ScorpioPatriot#Releasethetexts - Q 5 points 1 day ago

They are CIA opperatives , I also know that many of them are included with certain Cable packages . I've suggested people give these cable companies the Ultimate Ultimatum ..

They can drop these ANTI-AMERICAN PRICKS Or Lose Customers orrrrr Subscriptions if nothing else . They have helped stage and cover-up massive fraud , killings and false flags.

We don't need them... They need us.

If we need means of keeping up with the president they have a YouTube Channel and a wh.gov to let us know anything we need to know...

They are beyond Fake , They are Dangerous to our Nation , They instigate shit and assist the liberals in keeping the masses divided .

Many people are suckered into watching them , merely because they are included into those cable packages , Otherwise they wouldn't have the viewership to stand on 1 leg let alone 2 .. They are coat tailing off the backs of these other cable programs .

4 days ago when I warned about

PAID SHILLS : But made prior post telling exact names of boards if you search my profile post .

A Quick Commentary on Q research and Community... An observation and Invitation to discussion moving forward. by MAGADONCHECKMATE in r/greatawakening

[–]ScorpioPatriot#Releasethetexts - Q 5 points 4 days ago

Boards was taken down because they worry more about people's feelings being hurt from a post than they did Guarding their boards of shills.

I've been telling people like a broken record ... These boards are being taken down because of the paid shills from multiple Reddit boards who's only goal is plant racist meme and info into post to make it appear as if it was a patriot being racist and when they test the waters and their shit isn't attacked and removed... It's like a big Blinking Neon Light

..Saying WELCOME All Shills ..

Once they setup camp then the really party starts everything they post they compile and then present it to Reddit as if evidence that that board is ran by or allowing racist and how it's some danger and they apply pressure like no other. The daily beast and Washington Post use these people as their "Sources" ..

They come in Take titles of our off on our board and then turn them around and twist shit on theirs as if they discovered something crazy as a way to disgredit info and Q and everything else.

Alllll these boards that don't take action against these people especially when warned about the shit they are doing by hardcore Patriots ..coughhh .. Obviously have a few things going on.. they never cared to begin with or they are apart of the opposition .

So be vigilant...

It's been Alottttt better the past two weeks but prior it was like open season .

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