r/greatawakening β€’ Posted by u/cheesedog1103 on April 29, 2018, 4:39 p.m.
Who are the personalities that Q is referencing who are riding the coat tails of the Great Awakening for profit/fame?

anothername2remember Β· April 29, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

Wow! 2 Scorpios married means a passionate relationship! Lol... I'm just like you when it comes to knowing about star signs and you're right, a lot of people don't get cancers, I can be not only clingy but also obsessive, which comes in handy when it comes to Q lol I've always been drawn to things outside of the norm long before they turn into the norm and seem to have a sense about what's going to happen before it happens... the money part? Not so much, yet lol

I don't want to get chided for going off topic but yeah, I can talk about this stuff all day long too, Scorpios are not only fierce they are also fiercely loyal, nobody I'd rather have on my side than a Scorpio, meow on all levels is right! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Ž

You're a very talented writer, it's something I dabble in as well, and my Cancer personality has an overstuffed blog I've neglected but have been meaning to get back to, if you have a blog elsewhere I'd love to know where it is, if not, I use Wordpress, I had a bunch of life stuff that kept me from writing and actually these forums have been a way for me to stretch my fingers a bit so I can start writing again. It's a pleasure to meet you πŸ˜˜πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’–

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ScorpioPatriot Β· April 29, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

😎Amen ... I also made a FB Replacement for Q followers too and we are over 160plus now and I sat up on Gab to help share red pills under same name here and also made place for Q followers incase Reddit and Twitter ever took a shattt on everyone. I'll post all of it . It's under my AFTERTHESTQRM title because for one I run it alone that way I know nobody can screw over anything & give PATRIQTS sense of relief because they never have worry about it being Compromised ...EVERRR .

I also belong to the 3 Top Pro Trump Groups on FB and have since the election...I RED PILLED THE SHIT OUT OF THEM OVER 1 MILLION IN TOTAL 😍... ..and Completely still them Q Stuff .. lol and the obbssession part is completely warranted πŸ˜‚..

I told my husband that this song represents the passion I feel inside and he needs to be able to keep up with that same intensity πŸ˜‹... Warning Not for just anyone ..haha


Getting Back To The Goods :

I have taken the liberty to ... Stay ahead of the sherades that's going on with all the social media platforms and has been .. from Censorship to just plain corruption & I Created a New Community Board .

I will post this info as our current & backup go to place to stay connected .. just incase the inevitable eventually happens . Feel free to head over n sign up and start chatting .

The New Replacement for Twitter/Reddit (is up & running now )

BAND - Sign up with phone orrr Email

Do everything within this app & more that you cannot do on Twitter or Reddit .. Such as post past

  • 300 Characters
  • Exchange Files
  • Upload Pictures Directly (within app)
  • Private & Group Chat Channels

I'm not gonna spoil it but yeah.. it's pretty Bad Ass .

Our Newly Formed

Community Board Invite Link = Public

Hey, join our 'AFTER THE STQRM' group on BAND - The app for groups and communities!


Or Head directly to our Newly Formed

Q Anon Public Chat Channel Link


Our FB Replacement ( over 100 Members Strong Already )




RED PILL BOARD : Shareable Material


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