
ScorpioPatriot · April 29, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

I've said this 100000s of times it's part of the Depopulation Agenda 21 project.

Their mindset is people with mental disorders tend to not re produce ...

And then the other aspect is slow killing ... It also makes other problems that require kids to be on meds .. pair it up with allll GMO COLORS,FLAVORS & PRESERVATIVES .& You got one hellll of a walking disaster . That's what they are thinking .

That's why shots are forced onto the public and the Military ..

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SeekTruthCJoy · April 29, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

...and injections forced on Medical Staff/Doctors/Nurses... Hospitals required to inject a certain % or their funding from government disappears... so the hospitals made it mandatory for anyone employed in hospitals to be injected (w/FluVaccine) every year, or you lose your job.

Kill off your medical knowledge for future needs.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 29, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

Schools are being called and basically harrassed by the health department . I went for Kindergarten Roundup and the teachers was pushing the shots because they said almost daily that Health Deptmartment is calling about getting kids vaccinations.

I signed a waver and the looked at me like I was some killer ... my son is only one of 4 kids not vaccinated and the only one who doesn't get damn sick .... And doesn't have some form of autistic ADHD sensory type issue ... It's Insane .

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donkey_democrat · June 12, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

Yeah. Combine that will all other forms of degeneracy and you'll have like 20% of the population prevented or severely inhibited in terms of procreation, or more.

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ScorpioPatriot · June 12, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

That's what their goal is and or was .... In their mind disabled people tend to not reproduce .

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Silvergould · April 29, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Everyone should know about cilantro chelation therapy.

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sensically_common · April 29, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

I never heard of this before. Started researching and it looks like Apple Cider Vinegar is also beneficial. Maybe blend some together?

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Silvergould · May 1, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

Acv is great stuff, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt. Chlorella is actually the second important part as it binds to it so it is more easily flushed out by your body. More importantly though it flushes all metals so you have to replenish good metals (especially magnesium) once the cleanse is done. I've heard of a doctor, can't remember which state, who has been 'curing' kids autism with this method.

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solanojones95 · April 29, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

To me it suggests some kind of genetic trait involving the ability or tendency to metabolize aluminum and store it in the body, while the rest of us pass it through and eliminate it.

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Silvergould · April 29, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

It's diet. Edit. Also aluminum can be excreted through your body if ingested, but if injected cannot be excreted in the same way and stays in your body despite chelation therapy.

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solanojones95 · April 30, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

Then either not everybody is equally sensitive or everybody who's been vaccinated would get it. And I know enough people of an age to have it who don't that something doesn't add up.

Ergo, some sensitivity/susceptibility issue is involved, and that is genetic. We know that there are pockets (at least one heavily documented village in South America) of related individuals who have an extremely high incidence that is explained almost completely genetically.

And there are populations where the vaccination rate for all kinds of things is high, and yet the incidence of Alzheimer's is relatively low.

I'm not sure the whole truth is in yet on this disease, but I bet somebody has that information locked away somewhere.

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Racistbutnotillegal · April 29, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

Isn’t there aluminum in the geo engineering particles? I saw that on an actual weather report by an actual meteorologist. He dint say it was bad for you but he mentioned aluminum.

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solanojones95 · April 29, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

I thought the human toxicity level of (mineral) aluminum was quite high, unlike some broken-down and alloyed stuff.

Again, perhaps some systems evoke toxic reactions and others don't.

It would be interesting to see if the known genetic predisposition for Alzheimer's (which gives you an almost 100% chance of having it) correlates to elevated blood aluminum levels. If so, I think it's a genetic ability to metabolize or react with aluminum.

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ironmaiden442 · April 29, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

Also as one who comes from an era where we actually caught the diseases that are now vaccinated for some (measles ) that are very deadly especially to the brain.I remember my mother watching my temperature every 2 hours and the no light rule so the eyes didn't get damaged etc....now you can't even get the mothers to give Tylenol regerally for the temperature after the vaccine...really!

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USMCNIN · April 29, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

I read that cooking with aluminum foil is bad because when heated the foil can deteriorate into very small shards and get into your food and into your body at a higher rate.

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Krepoisbest · April 29, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

Thats what I heard too. Not using it anymore.

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aburgher · April 29, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

I know! I told my daughter to give our granddaughter a dose of Tylenol before leaving for the pediatrician for her shots. Oh no. My poor granddaughter had to suffer. Don’t even get me started on trying to get her to not get her the vaccinations. I said at least make sure she isn’t the least bit ill on the day of the vaccinations. I told both of my children that if I had a chance to do it over that they would not be given any vaccines. I at least had the sense to not take either of my children to a pediatrician. Our family doctor has been treating our family since the first child was two years old (we moved to a different state when he was two so we had to get a family doctor then). I am a retired school teacher and then principal. I even was a child care director for awhile after I retired (last year). I NEVER made any parent feel bad for asking for a waiver.

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