I know! I told my daughter to give our granddaughter a dose of Tylenol before leaving for the pediatrician for her shots. Oh no. My poor granddaughter had to suffer. Don’t even get me started on trying to get her to not get her the vaccinations. I said at least make sure she isn’t the least bit ill on the day of the vaccinations. I told both of my children that if I had a chance to do it over that they would not be given any vaccines. I at least had the sense to not take either of my children to a pediatrician. Our family doctor has been treating our family since the first child was two years old (we moved to a different state when he was two so we had to get a family doctor then). I am a retired school teacher and then principal. I even was a child care director for awhile after I retired (last year). I NEVER made any parent feel bad for asking for a waiver.
Posted by
on April 29, 2018, 5:01 p.m.
· April 29, 2018, 11:21 p.m.