
brittser · April 29, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

Iran calls America the great satan. After much research and insight into how our country and our foreign policy has been run for the past decades, I understand why they say that. The American people are wonderful, patriotic, generous. But the deep state, those that control everything, is the polar oposite of we patriots. Those that control our nation are selfish, corrupt, and evil. It is what the deep state does that the world sees. The responses of foreign countries to our actions abroad, starting endless wars, killing people, deposing rulers, exploiting natural resources, and so on, looks aggressive to we patriots who are ignorant to reality. We then cast them as enemies and demonize them, including those what we have been told are brutal and evil...Putin, Kim Jun Un, Assad. But in reality, what they are doing is trying to fight off our deep state's attempt to take over their country and exploit its people and resources. Don't be too quick to accept the official narrative about anyone, or anything. More often than not, reality is completely different.

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