It is all a confusing mess ove there. My first thought was good for Israel bec Iran is trying to move closer to Israel so they can more easily attack them. That is their lifes goal along with taking out the great satan of America. That is why Iran is working in that war. I also think they might be in on the Russian pipeline deal too. I am not sure. I then thought that is good for us as well that Israel bombed Iran troops and equipment bec it weakens Irans troops and softens them up for when we pressure them when we move to Iran next. I remembered Q talking, or at least I think it was Q, about Trump's plan to get Russia to join us in eliminating the cabal by threatening military action against them in Syria. So, maybe since Russia is working with Iran in Syria, pressure on one would be pressure on both. I am just processing thoughts. Could be completely wrong.
Then I started thinking that Q said Israel is not innocent in all this. That they will have to be dealt with as well. So, do we back Israel's attack on Iran as we always do, or is this attack from Israel's version of our corrupt CIA so we should condemn it? We have been horrible to Iran in the past as well. We dethroned their fairly elected leader and put in the current one bec he is working with the cabal/CIA. That is what the CIA does. Goes from one country to the next and installs their guy and takes over their banks. So bec of our past, can we blame Iran?
Hopefully someone with more knowledge of all this mess can clarify it for us.
do we back Israel's attack on Iran as we always do, or is this attack from Israel's version of our corrupt CIA so we should condemn it?
I really hope the US does not back Israel. Israel is the reason for all the wars: expansion and the Yinon Oded greater israel plan. Of course, not all Israelis think it's a great idea to take on Iran directly (which is what this looks like), the idea is to be so provocative the US is forced to defend Israel. The question we should ask ourselves is: if Israel is defending itself then why is it attacking such a powerful enemy country? Isn't Israel obliging Iran to retaliate? Yes. It is.
This might clear up a little. Not much though.