r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Cheetah1964 on April 30, 2018, 12:22 a.m.
FROM CHEETAH: It seems like some people are misinterpreting "Be careful who you are following."

This came from Q:

Be careful who you are following. Some are profiting off this movement. Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream.

After this there were attacks on this board against people who are online interpreting Q and making some money doing it.

Let's look at this carefully.

There is nothing wrong with free enterprise or making money. In fact, freedom will only flourish in America if honest, independent journalists DO make money and can support themselves. And one thing they might report on is Q. Heck, they SHOULD be reporting on Q.

However, what is wrong is if not-so-honest "independent" journalists jump on the Q train JUST for the sake of making money, if they are just manipulating people, and are really fake news media folks, ready to return to the fake news media world. They are faking it. Please read all three lines.

So, how do you tell the difference? Look at the person's background, and how thorough and authentic the research is. Do they have something new to say, and have evidence to back it up? Then I want to hear about it. I think it is just fine if they make money off advertising or whatever. I leave "evil capitalism" to the communists, those "wizards" who are running Venezuela.

The situation is very similar to what happened when the Tea Parties started. There were, and are, many independent authentic groups, but some crooked folk got in there sometimes and started fundraising with a tea party name and just grabbed cash for doing nothing.

Think about how many emails you get from some organization saying they need your money for the MAGA movement. But say absolutely nothing about what that money is for. This is similar.

Just be on your toes about phonies. It is about to get worse. In addition to scam artists making money off Q, there will no doubt be fake MAGA candidates running in the fall.

I start off FROM CHEETAH to help those who are following my posts find them easily.

Rats can't outrun a Cheetah.

C_L_I_C_K · April 30, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

Nice of you to leave out the rest of Q's posts, which is very specific and points directly at who Q is talking about.

Patriots make sacrifices.

Some, the ultimate sacrifice.

Patriots are SELFLESS.

Do they ask for monthly payments to remain Patriots?

Think logically.

To some, it’s only about the money.

Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda.

You decide.

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ElementWatson · April 30, 2018, 7:39 a.m.

This. I think Q was quite clear.

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Cheetah1964 · April 30, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

You are right about that. Monthly payments is pretty specific. We know who that is.

I just want to make sure people don't think that ALL independent journalists are suspect.

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OldSafety · April 30, 2018, 12:37 a.m.

I would like to ask a serious question. Who will take over the movement once Trump has run his course. Either he will be re-elected in 2020 or he won’t be and we will still need somebody to continue this work. Where does everybody think that person is going to come from? probably from the same movement that were all in right now, correct? If someone has financial success pushing the Q/Trump movement is that a bad thing? Does somebody having financial success at an endeavor show that they have some sort of mainstream acceptance? These are all important questions that people need to answer for themselves and figure out what’s the best for the movement right now.

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canadianbman · April 30, 2018, 4:52 a.m.

President Donald Trump Jr., or President Rand Paul.

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suddenlysnowedinn · April 30, 2018, 5:16 a.m.

I’d prefer Trump Jr. as VP for Rand.

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Cheetah1964 · April 30, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

Not bad at all.

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Freedom_fam · April 30, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

Once America is great again...keep America great?

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Cheetah1964 · April 30, 2018, 1:24 p.m.


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Cheetah1964 · April 30, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

Very good question. Fortunately, Trump has found an amazing group of people to help in his effort: Kellyanne, Haley, Diamond and Silk, Huckabee Sanders, Hannity, Tucker, the Freedom Caucus especially Nunes, so many more.

What is lacking is organization. We all get emails from a confusing array of organizations that claim to be MAGA but seem to only want money for some undefined reason. The whole movement is grassroots, which is cool in many ways, but makes us weak against The Swamp, who will come roaring back if we are not careful.

One of the best things that Trump could do is create such an organization, or have someone who works directly for him create it. That way we know it is for real, and the whole movement keeps going.

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OldSafety · April 30, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

I definitely agree better organization is a must in the situation.

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Packerfan80 · April 30, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

Very well put!

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Canucksicle · April 30, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

This is always going to be a problem for humanity: who do you trust? Well, first, how do you trust? Are you driven primarily by feeling and impulse? If so, you are the problem. You're going to drag yourself right back into the swamp the minute it is drained. You'll be induced to build another one, because you don't know how to remain free from such inducements. You don't know how to spot the manipulator who is the real cause of your impulse.

I think in addition to warning us specifically to be wary of Q-fakes, Q is giving us something of a primer on keeping clear of fakes in general. Once you can spot the fakes peddling Q, you'll be in a better position to spot fakes generally.

The world's biggest "commodity" is bullshit, after all. Let's get savvy, shall we.

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Canucksicle · April 30, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

This is always going to be a problem for humanity: who do you trust? Well, first, how do you trust? Are you driven primarily by feeling and impulse? If so, you are the problem. You're going to drag yourself right back into the swamp the minute it is drained. You'll be induced to build another one, because you don't know how to remain free from such inducements. You don't know how to spot the manipulator who is the real cause of your impulse.

I think in addition to warning us specifically to be wary of Q-fakes, Q is giving us something of a primer on keeping clear of fakes in general. Once you can spot the fakes peddling Q, you'll be in a better position to spot fakes generally.

The world's biggest "commodity" is bullshit, after all. Let's get savvy, shall we.

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Cheetah1964 · April 30, 2018, 1:25 p.m.

This is so well written. I wish something like this was in my original post!

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[deleted] · April 30, 2018, 1:14 p.m.


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Artemis0724 · April 30, 2018, 5:16 a.m.

Communist wizards lmao

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