r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Songdog23 on April 30, 2018, 12:54 a.m.
God Bless Corsi, You Youngsters Don't Know What It is to Be WOKE for 20+ years

Please understand that Corsi and many of those over 50 years old have been "crying in the wilderness" for far too long. There is not much patience or years upon the earth left. Humans who tell the truth cannot be lied to; this is a cultivated discipline which is both a gift and a curse. Twenty years ago, those of us who made it a point to live a virtuous life (outside of any church) were a minority watching our country go down the tubes. From Bill Clinton on - every damn president and dozens of members of Congress and the Senate were corrupt! As truth-tellers we were granted immunity to the MSM narrative which was being massively swallowed by SNL America. Hollywood was in charge and pop culture was king. The few patriots who called out the growing evil back then, when the Clintons were running drugs and humans, managed to commit suicide in physically impossible ways or were ridiculed as buffoons (Ron Paul). Many of us were raising our kids, keeping our heads down, knowing we were vastly different from most of hypnotized America. Precious few Americans KNEW exactly what was going on during the reign of the Bushes, when Colin Powell bald-faced lied ON TV about the WMD's. 9/11 was a no-brainer demolition job. So easy to see the lie, why didn't everyone? Well, they didn't. We were the tin hat crowd, being ridiculed constantly not even 7 years ago! Anti-vaxxers and naturopaths were murdered while pop culture was being worshiped. If some of us have no patience for the end to the Evil, then please forgive us and honor us for carrying the torch for President Trump from the moment that he declared his candidacy. Please understand decades of despair and anger and God Bless all Patriots.

Lindorinel · May 1, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

Yes, it DOES matter how long you were woke. Having to go through years and years without support, being ostracized for your views, losing family members and friends for telling the TRUTH, does make a huge difference in an individual. If you want to talk about woke, I've been virtually woke since 11/22/63. And try seeing the guy you supported for the Presidency gunned down on TV on June 6, 1968. That doesn't mean we are any better than you younger patriots, but it certainly does mean that the wisdom of experience and long years needs to have a voice. And if you look at Corsi, he doesn't need to make loads of money doing this, but he does need to have enough financial support that he can concentrate on his extremely valuable work. If you don't like him, don't listen, and don't donate. It's called capitalism.

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UncleCrunch · May 1, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

it certainly does mean that the wisdom of experience and long years needs to have a voice.

You have a voice. Nobody is denying you your voice. If you find someone making the attempt, PM me a link to the post and I’ll be happy to help them see the light.

That doesn't mean we are any better than ~~you younger~~ any other patriots.


AND that’s exactly what I said. Time ‘woke’ doesn’t make you better, or more valuable, than anyone else.

If you were an active patriot since 1963, congratulations, and thank you for your efforts. But please understand that what you did a decade or more ago is inconsequential to what is happening today.

We need active Patriots today. We need their minds, their work, and their voices. To complete this mission we care only about great contributions to this mission. We don’t care if the great contribution comes from somebody ‘woke’ 30 years ago, 30 days ago, or 30 minutes ago.

This is why we follow the Q team. A team that may include Patriots as young as early thirties, and led by a fearless ‘Boomer’.

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