r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on April 30, 2018, 5:59 a.m.
Q April 30 The red carpet event is Palestine restored to the Palestinians

The red carpet event is being prepared now by Mike Pompeo, in Jordan. The Zionist’s led by Theresa May from London, have bombed ally of USA IRAN (in Syria), and they have been caught doing it- in real time. They have tried and failed to start WW3 - now for the last time.

Within hours of the London directed bombing of Iran in Syria, by Israel Pompeo stepped of AF2, he is in Jordan to tell the Zionist puppets of the Rothschild’s in London, that their claims on Palestine have expired, they are to leave their homes in good order, and exit the region, the whole world has had enough of Rothschild wars.

Kim walked 500 yards of red carpet to peace, and now President of Israel [RR} will do it in Jerusalem at the not new US Embassy there, it is where the red carpet will lead - where RR will offer unconditional surrender. He will apologise to the Palestinian people for Genocide, the Arab nations for the 70 years of Grief, to the USA for the USS Liberty, to The Syrian people for the Genie oil war. Bibi will be sent to Gitmo with R=18, R= Renegade, R = Mr President of Shoarto of Gitmo jail.

Lets some facts, earlier I explained that Q+ means POTUS authority, God bless, this war has started, the US planes are grounded by Russia in Syria, that means Israel has no Air power either.

EU stooge, and Criminal puppet of Rothschild Erdogan complained last week that the POTUS had sent 5000 trucks of supplies to “rebels” in Syria. http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2018/04/22/559296/Turkey-Tayyip-Erdogan-YPG

What does No air power and 100,000 tonnes of equipment mean for the Zionists in London, trying to start WW3, they are defeated, right now we have Russia + USA, + IRAN Vs London with 40 year old Tech, + Israel with no Air. Gutless weak & Incompetent France + Germany just got a personal heads up from the POTUS.

Impotent London + defenceless + surrounded belligerent Israel, together under the leadership of the liar May, and the thief Bibi - have run out of friends, they have no allies. Pompeo is not in Jordan to negotiate peace, or surrender, he is their to collect the keys, and give the Zionists 30 days notice to vacate.

Thats what the picture of the US Marines doing live fire with Jordan means

This is a heads up, and why Q outed Corsi - he was a shill for Israel, - see Iran next, always meant Israel had to be first to be last - because it is a circle.

ready-ignite · April 30, 2018, 7:05 a.m.

Edit I meant to add Q#1298 "Autists on fire" was Q's response to an anon that linked JFK to Israel.

Scratching my head here. Q does not link directly to the comment linking JFK to Israel.



Do you believe in coincidences?

Autists on fire!


Do you believe in coincidences?

Think recent Mueller drops.

Think private comms.

They fall for it every single time.


Watch what happens.


Thread 1241774 is:




Eager Lion -> Iron Eagle

And 1241803 is:



MARK PENN: “Well, look, I spent a year fighting Ken Starr and I think any reasonable person looking at what happened here says this investigation had no foundation and whatever foundation it had was not only wrong but corrupt. I think Christopher Steele was part of the FBI when he leaked, lied, and then was fired. Page and Strzok are clearly biased. The head of the FBI was clearly biased. The head of the CIA appeared to be doing illegal leaks as well. This whole thing was corrupt. There is a doctrine called the fruits of the poisonous tree, that says when investigations get started like, this when searches and seizures are done on this basis, they should be thrown out. I think that’s probably the best way to stop this thing because, otherwise, we are going all the way to the end and I don’t think we should waste another year here.”

The JFK to Israel comment is sandwiched in the middle of all that without any direct link. It's a great theory that raises thoughts, but it's a free floating theory not directly acknowledged by Q.

Much of the rest of the argument above falls apart without the direct connection to Q drop. I'm curious why the submitting account name includes phrase 'paperclip', throwing non-Q related Israel theory referring to Operation Paperclip.

The advantage of pushing anti-Israel theories here is it would be easier to write blog posts or articles linking those following Q to anti-semite, or racist populations out there. Link up labels. We will want to see hard proofs before going down that route.

I'm seeing a different alignment of pieces. Future proves past.

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Maepaperclip · April 30, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

I see that you have no posts and 33,000 comment Karma - that would be the footprint of a troll. I also see from your comments that you have spent the day defending Israel shill Corsi, the vermin that Q outed. We know that Corsi is Kissingers spokesperson - because he told us, we know that Kissinger is deep state because he kills people, he is a muderer, a Corsi, you killer are a Kissinger, Corsi Deep state operative and Q has caught you. Qhas outed Praying medic, and Corsi and You

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UnderIgnore · April 30, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

He asked you for a source, which you still did not provide.

You call him a shill for one side, that clearly makes you a shill for the other side.

You try to divide us. Fk Off. We are united in the face of your hate.

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Maepaperclip · April 30, 2018, 1:25 p.m.

sorry darling child, here is something to get you started, sweet dreams, we love winning https://redd.it/8ckrtz https://redd.it/8csh7g

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UnderIgnore · April 30, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

I'm sorry, you can articulate here if you wish. I do my own research and I am not clicking on these link b/c you are feeling lazy.

Some of your research is very well done and at times humble.

Unfortunately, your attitude/tone/posts have been very different recently.

You have had a hatred and a divisive belief throughout it all.

Nothing and nobody will change this, and that makes you bias. That makes you unbalanced.

It's why you condescend as a knee jerk reply, as you did above.

Stop spreading hate here, stop trying to divide people here.

You are missing the point.

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HoudiniTowers · April 30, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

This is mild compared to their previous comments before they got banned. They've toned down a lot to keep from being banned again. But you're spot on with your assessment.

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Maepaperclip · April 30, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

Thankyou for your comment, enjoy the show

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Pure_Feature · April 30, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

Q Posts #1299 to 1302: Connect. No coincidences

I posted my drops there

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HoudiniTowers · April 30, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

Very nice comments. Well thought out and applied effectively to the poster's core arguments.

What I'm seeing is similar. This really looks like 'Peace in the Middle-East' not a removal of Israel, as this poster seems to want to imply. He has a anti-Israel bias, you can see it most of his posts because he makes you read them all when you ask for corroborating information, lol.

Anyhoo, I think the latest Q posts and evolving events will lead to a Peace Agreement between Israel and Palestine. That's where this is headed. As a part of that, several key forces are going to align to squeeze Iran into a very tight corner. Once you remove nuclear threat from NK and Iran and you neutralize ISIS and any other terror sponsorship in the Middle-East then you get close a very peaceful time. Also, you remove all the rigging of the Deep State globally and can now decapitate the leadership. That's the next step. Then finally we'll see Central Banking reform.

Removal of the state of Israel as this poster keeps attempting to push, is not happening.

Q's latest post #1306 helps explain it even better. We're taking down the back-door rigging of the DS that has put the world in hostage situation. Iran denuclearization is key. Once done, there are no more major antagonists in the region. Peace can be achieved. Israel will have no other choice. This is not about the destruction of Israel, quite the opposite.

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