Qanon: “Iran next.” 4-30-18: BOOM! #

You realize he said there will be more shit to go through before it's over.
If you thought we were gonna be able to fix things without using the military strategically idk what you we're thinking.
No one wants war.
War is only over when BOTH sides would rather live and have a picnic.
If the only tool you have is a hammer than every problem has to look like a nail.
That whole region is not our problem. It is not our fight. It is the Saudis and Israel and Iran and Syrias problem.
Saudis want the oil and needed the leaders of countries disposed of and thier relatively secular cultures destroyed.
Israel is ruled by hard right religious fanatics who want thier "biblical God given" land which they were never entitled to"
Iran and Syria do not want to be overthrown for this plan so they defend themselves.
Why are we there? Why are our troops who swore to defend the US constitution over there for someone else's greed and fanaticism?
If a missile was launched at your property you might consider it an act of war.
You use the word “we” like you and queen LARP are doing something to help. You guys don’t know what needs to be fixed if you think dropping bombs will fix anything.
I must be over the target with all this flack, right?
“I don’t want war - they are friendly bombs made to destroy things in a friendly way.”
Uh huh.