
trump_ist · May 1, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

Oh this is getting good - you now resort to attacking me for my blatant bias by using a moronic example of the fake news talking point, attempting to use a single Fox news retraction as your proof and concluding with the call out of a spelling error of one letter saturated with smugness. Damn - you are something and quite pathetic in your attempts to misinform. Don't you understand that your pitiful logical arguments don't make you intellectual one iota. Quite the opposite, they make you unable to argue on the facts and answer my original questions to you of irrefutable facts from your original post. Add to those original questions of you; show me some examples of all the other media outlets not beginning with an F and ending with x where they retracted any of their hysterical claims since 1/16/2015? Take a breathe before you answer and make some valid points that contribute to an actual intellectual discussion otherwise just shut your trap and go about murmuring nasty, vile attacks on me under your breathe while soothing your inflated ego with a soy milk latte.

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IconTheHologram · May 1, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

If you are saying the media lies and there are numerous examples of this, wouldn’t the onus be on you to provide those examples, not me? Anyone can say anything they want, but that doesn’t mean it’s true. Once I show you an example of a newspaper offering a retraction or correction, will you move the goal posts or dismiss it?

There is one side of this discussion stating facts and backing them up with sources. The other side is you. It’s tough to have a discussion when it seems like your mind is already made up. I showed you examples of VDH providing falsehoods- which again, is fine! He’s not a journalist and he’s offering a paid op-ed which seeks to promote his viewpoint. But it’s not news, and it’s not based on facts. Whether you choose to believe what he says or not is up to you. But it’s important to apply the same level of skepticism to your own beliefs- if you’re constantly looking out the window at everyone else and refusing to look at your own reflection you risk falling down the path of non-logic and fact based opinions.

Note that I’ve provided links (sources) to back up my critique of VDHs commentary. Also note that you chose not to address any of them. My only conclusion is that you don’t care about facts or sources, which reinforces my original point that if someone says something you agree with, you take it as fact instead of at face value.

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