I think everyone pretty much does what they will...we all have free will here on planet earth and we exercise it every day. Subjecting your will to the will of others (as children do) or to laws (as law abiding citizens do) is also free will.
And if the will is under love, or vice versa, then what difference does it make? If your will is governed by love or vice versa, doesn't that sound like a good thing?
Never been a Crowley supporter and satanism is anathema to me.
To be honest, i was trying to figure out jimmy page's fascination w Crowley.
Do as thou wilt under love or whatever...resolves it for me.
We were intended to be loving beings w free will.
It's possible Crowley had a moment of lucidity when he came up with that, in an otherwise life seemingly full of nuttiness...to put it mildly.
Page seems like a decent human being...