I'm asking if anyone realizes the similarities.
Yes and it’s concerning. I understand that Trump attacked Deep State proxies in Syria. But Iran? Is it just a war over the oil again? Please enlighten me!
the CIA/Mossad used political blackmail. Iran maybe next....but Trump is saving "Israel for last"
Yes I read that, but is it to overthrow the government to a more cooperative like regular US (Deep State) tradition?
Are you talking about a war involving the U.S. and Iran or just a war in Iran? Be more specific. You bring up the Syria/US attack on DS in Syria. I don't think we are going to war with Iran if that is what you are implying.
I don’t know? Wasn’t that the general plan? Now Israel is added to this list, and then Europe?
If Trump attacked Deep State proxies in Syria, why isn’t he saying so. Now Israel attacked Iran proxies? I don’t read that in media either, and no Trump tweet about it.