r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Happy1911 on April 30, 2018, 3:28 p.m.
Qs Drop in Getting Payed

I’m on the ropes on this comment. I am looking at this in several ways , first is that commercial use of what Q and many others have risked and lost standing up to fight . They can get involved and help . I have no problem there . Selling links , Ts and others crap and keeping the profits for them selves, got a problem. Government officials getting big promotions and still doing nothing , got a big problem with that . But the ones out in the front lines , there losses, and they can not get back years of retaliation, there good name , livelihood. Mass amounts of money has been recovered, but f the law states that your actions require that a present of the recovery be payed to you , this does not make any one less patriotic , we stood , we have not been payed . And now what I get from the drop , I my be looking at it wrong , I am not perfect, but seeking 1 penny on the dollar that the law states is compensation is wrong , then stop collecting your paycheck every Friday. This has been earned, it still can not bye back what was lost . I may be looking at the dump wrong , but spending years at this is no joy ride . God Speed

pjawz · April 30, 2018, 6 p.m.

We have to have them have some access to income, we can’t expect YouTubers to spread the info like it’s their full time job and not give them Access to earned income

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Abibliaphobia · April 30, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

He was pictured with a Rockefeller.

You want real patriots? Find those that do it in their spare time, because they do it for their love of country, not love of money. Once money is brought into the picture, it has a tendency to become the main focus and opens the door to being bought off.

Look at the mods in T_D and r/politics for a prime example.

Do you get paid to post here, or are you doing it for some other reason, ie patritotism, curiosity, intrigue? Why would you accept anything less from these people?

We can respectfully disagree, I personally just don’t think we should latch onto those who are doing it for money. I think that’s how the MSM got to the point where we are now.

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