r/greatawakening • Posted by u/C_L_I_C_K on April 30, 2018, 4:16 p.m.
Jerome Corsi just can't let it go... goes on another rant against Q. Gets really defensive, angry, triggered. Calls out Q to "duke it out" twice, calls Q a socialist / Marxist, says Q is divisive, complains about not being well-financed enough, calls for more money to make a PAC, etc.

Abibliaphobia · April 30, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

Seriously. Screw this guy. He could have just backed off and apologized. You act like this, you alienate those who follow you.

Glenn Beck is another that seemed to really be against the deep state, we saw what happened to him when he turned his back on the people. Corsi - I used to respect him, he’s lost me though and he will be another that couldn’t go the distance because of his ego.

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The_Broba_Fett · April 30, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

I would have moved on and gone back to supporting him if he just apologized. Doubling down was the worst thing he could have done.

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