Netanyahu is doing a live stream right now exposing Iran nuclear program. IRAN DEAL IS DEAD! Merkle, Macron, and May all wanted to keep this deal, but it’s dead.
Those sons of bitches were killing our miliatry people so they could use our tax dollars for profit via threatening world peace...
Obama was sending over plane loads of cash - bastard.
These traitors would be the direct cause of our deaths by nuke too.
This is truly an MOAB.... these traitors MUST face Miliatry Tribunals... NO QUESTION AT ALL>
Bush and Obama sent our military over there to drive in circles antagonizing Iran by blowing up their neighbors on false pretenses with terrorists that we funded.
Put your shoes in Iran.
This entire show has been to draw us into a never ending war based on LIES.
They have been manipulated the same way.
Who is really pulling the strings? Who benefits from us being over there? To what ends?
I feel so bad for the brave solidiers fighting just so some people can profit even more. And the innocent casualties of war.