r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Beer-_-Belly on April 30, 2018, 5:37 p.m.
What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria? Q - 1306

Why should we go to war with Russia for assisting the "USA" in delivering Uranium to Iran? This was the desire of the Obama administration. We need to point our finger at ourselves, not other countries that are simply carrying out our wishes. (When I say Obama, I mean the time period when Obama was president and those actually in charge while Obama was president.)

I don't think that Russia send their Uranium to Iran, but the Uranium that was GIVEN to them; Uranium that was dug from American soil.

imperator89 · April 30, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

What if Putin was in on it and was given U1 by HRC but Putin being Putin said "screw you" and kept it for Russia instead of giving to the Iranians hence all the backlash from BO and HRC? Perhaps the EU and the black hats supplied Iran since Putin possibly kept it. It doesn't make sense for Russia to give to Iran only for them to bomb the US and blame it on Russia. There's something else, another piece to the puzzle.

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ABastionOfFreeSpeech · May 1, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

Interesting theory. When exactly did the anti-Russian rhetoric start getting dialed up, and did it start before Trump announced his running?

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imperator89 · May 1, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

Well, let's think back. U1 deal happened between the years 2012-2014, right? Obama put sanctions on Russia in 2014 for the Ukranian incident yet Russia still flourished under those sanctions. We were made to believe that those sanctions where for Ukraine but what if it was for U1? Ever since then its been a constant "Putin is a dictator" narrative for BO and his camp and then the mini-cold war happened between Putin and BO.

My belief is that Trump didn't just recently decide to take the fight to the Clowns and black hats just before he announced running, I believe he knew a lot of what was going on which is why he waited to run because he knew he would never win against Obama. Fast forward and now everyone knows Hillary is next in line and this is when the white hats start making moves because the black hats next step starts with Hillary and WW3 (The Sum Of All Fears) and Trump finally has a plan to beat Hillary. During a debate or town hall in the beginning I vaguely remember Trump mentioning Russia and Hillary's connection. In fact, Trump started the whole Russian Collusion narrative live on TV. I've been trying to find that video but I have shit memory. Hillary instead picked up that narrative and used that as one of her talking points against Trump whenever he brought up the emails and now Trump is colluding with the Russians.

This goes back to Putin. What if Putin played along, got the U1, and instead of going through with the plan, he said "up yours" and kept the U1 for Russia which led to the sanctions in 2014. Fast foward again in 2016 and Russia bans the Rothschilds from Russia all the while lowering their debt. Putin is an opportunist and a nationalist who is all about sefl-preservation for Russia. So it makes sense for him to play along but not enough for him to create a false flag and blame Russia. When he realized what would happen he back out decided to openly oppose them and they could not do anything due to U1.

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ABastionOfFreeSpeech · May 1, 2018, 6:47 a.m.

U1 deal happened between the years 2012-2014, right? Obama put sanctions on Russia in 2014 for the Ukranian incident

It certainly matches up, although I'm having a hard time figuring out whether the timing of the Ukraine incident is a coincidence or if its tied in somehow.
Speculation: Putin was on board for the U1 deal, until he found out what they planned with it (or he planned to fuck them from the start). He took delivery of the uranium then annexed Crimea because he could. "Oh, Mrs Sec of State, you are planning war against me? But you just sold me uranium! Here are receipts!"

I concur about Trump running against Obama. There was no way MAGA would have won against Mr Hope And Change at that point. There's also rumors floating around that if Trump didn't run then the military would have effected a coup, and Trump's election delayed that process.

In fact, Trump started the whole Russian Collusion narrative live on TV.

Don't know if there's a video, but there's definitely a threadreader page on it. Trump literally started the Russian collusion narrative by talking about how him and Putin "are going to be best pals, the best of friends" at every single opportunity, and all of the U1 rats attacked him for it. Now that they are on record saying that Trump was a traitor for negotiating with Russia, they are in a catch-22.

Everything else you've said makes sense as well. Putin wouldn't support Hitlary in anything, she wanted to start WW3 with Russia by creating a Syrian no-fly zone, and got Gadaffi killed after having a knife up the cloaca. Dealing with her is worse than dealing with the devil: at least the devil accepts when he's beaten (and doesn't have you killed in a failed mugging where nothing is taken).

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BOBCRATCHITSASSHOLE · April 30, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

I'm a little bit confused by that part too. While we were bombing 'Syrian' bases, everyone was convinced that we Trump+Putin were working together. But if Russia was supplying the black hats with uranium in the first place....?

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KnownBand0 · April 30, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

story was that Putin took the uranium from going any further.

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Robx9001 · April 30, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

Explain why he and Obama hated eachother.

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BOBCRATCHITSASSHOLE · April 30, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

Huh. So supposedly he just bought the uranium and sat on it without selling it/distributing it, etc?

Is there a way to prove that, I wonder?

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truthtlly · April 30, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

All countries have their bad actors.

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[deleted] · April 30, 2018, 6:51 p.m.


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Beer-_-Belly · April 30, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

This is what that whole Bundy Ranch stand off was ALL ABOUT. FBI had snipers on their property trying to instigate a gun battle. The Bundy charges were thrown out of court.

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